
Serious PIP after 1st injection

Try pinning a short ester in your quad then you'll know what real PIP feels like trust me. Hopefully you're just dealing with a sensitive location and virgin muscle. It really shouldn't be turning red though that worries me.
Try pinning a short ester in your quad then you'll know what real PIP feels like trust me. Hopefully you're just dealing with a sensitive location and virgin muscle. It really shouldn't be turning red though that worries me.

I was pretty worried too. Literally had infection and limb amputation running through my mind. Today is day four after injection and redness, swelling and pain are totally gone. So yesterday I did my second injection for the week: 350mg eq and 175mg test cyp, but this time from two separate syringes, pinned eq right vg and cyp left delt and today I have absolutely no pip whatsoever on either site.

I'm thinking it may have been a combination of virgin muscle and just too much oil volume. So as much as I hate to do it, I guess I'll be doing two injections per day, twice a week for the next 15 weeks
You really should buy Test Cyp dosed at 200-250. 350 is just absurd in my opinion.
Try pinning a short ester in your quad then you'll know what real PIP feels like trust me. Hopefully you're just dealing with a sensitive location and virgin muscle. It really shouldn't be turning red though that worries me.

I fully agree I pinned test ace I was crippled lol

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