Hello Guys,
I was a frequent member on the evo board, but just discovered your new forum. So hello again!
Ok , so I am planing a fall cycle next month after I get back from Europe . Current Stats are 29 y.o 212 lbs 6ft roughly 13-14% BF. Been Training 11 years. Ive got a few cycles under my belt with prior knowledge of AAS. Ive cycled Test, Masteron, DBOL and EQ. Ive also cycled PH's . Andromass, Androhard, Trenevar and Epistan(when I was younger). Ive done the pro hormone trenevar that was suppose to mimic trenbolone in the past.... I also cycled dienazone and trenazone...only problem with these I had were night sweats with these pro hormones. Ive also used sarms in the past. Last injection cycle was last year (2015)
I currently have some Test, EQ, TBOL, Anavar, Tren Ace, and Proviron ... along with with caber, nolva, aromasin and clomid..
I have never injected tren ace before but have tried the PH and did not have many sides, besides some lactation which was fixed and fixed with with caber...
I was going to start off the first six weeks with a cut .. then go to a lean bulk at 6-16 weeks
TBOL 1-6 50mg
Test E- 1-16 weeks 500mg
EQ-1-16 weeks 600-800mg (last time i ran 600 but read 800 is the sweet spot...) (probably donate blood at least once or twice during cycle)
Aromasin 10mg eod
GW50516 5-16 30 min before workout
Cycle Support / Tudca / Toca-8 / Cq /
was possibly going to throw in LGD-4033 once a day on the morning.
Possibly was going to try the tren also ? Weeks 6-16 50mg EOD depending on sides and increase after I gauge my tolerance (only have 3 vials = 3000mg worth of ace)
Proviron weeks 6-16 50mg each day. (I'm not prone to MPB)(I ran masteron when had lower bf and lost a little hair but nothing that changed my hairline). I did not have many sides with my tren PHs....
If I do throw in Tren ace.. I was planning on the Caber .25-.50 e3d....and GW50516
PCT. I was going to Run The standard PCT of clomid and Nolva with sarms / DAA / Aromasin/
All ancilliaries are pharm grade.
Ive heard about some good synergy between the tren and eq? Any suggestions are welcome.....
I was a frequent member on the evo board, but just discovered your new forum. So hello again!
Ok , so I am planing a fall cycle next month after I get back from Europe . Current Stats are 29 y.o 212 lbs 6ft roughly 13-14% BF. Been Training 11 years. Ive got a few cycles under my belt with prior knowledge of AAS. Ive cycled Test, Masteron, DBOL and EQ. Ive also cycled PH's . Andromass, Androhard, Trenevar and Epistan(when I was younger). Ive done the pro hormone trenevar that was suppose to mimic trenbolone in the past.... I also cycled dienazone and trenazone...only problem with these I had were night sweats with these pro hormones. Ive also used sarms in the past. Last injection cycle was last year (2015)
I currently have some Test, EQ, TBOL, Anavar, Tren Ace, and Proviron ... along with with caber, nolva, aromasin and clomid..
I have never injected tren ace before but have tried the PH and did not have many sides, besides some lactation which was fixed and fixed with with caber...
I was going to start off the first six weeks with a cut .. then go to a lean bulk at 6-16 weeks
TBOL 1-6 50mg
Test E- 1-16 weeks 500mg
EQ-1-16 weeks 600-800mg (last time i ran 600 but read 800 is the sweet spot...) (probably donate blood at least once or twice during cycle)
Aromasin 10mg eod
GW50516 5-16 30 min before workout
Cycle Support / Tudca / Toca-8 / Cq /
was possibly going to throw in LGD-4033 once a day on the morning.
Possibly was going to try the tren also ? Weeks 6-16 50mg EOD depending on sides and increase after I gauge my tolerance (only have 3 vials = 3000mg worth of ace)
Proviron weeks 6-16 50mg each day. (I'm not prone to MPB)(I ran masteron when had lower bf and lost a little hair but nothing that changed my hairline). I did not have many sides with my tren PHs....
If I do throw in Tren ace.. I was planning on the Caber .25-.50 e3d....and GW50516
PCT. I was going to Run The standard PCT of clomid and Nolva with sarms / DAA / Aromasin/
All ancilliaries are pharm grade.
Ive heard about some good synergy between the tren and eq? Any suggestions are welcome.....