
second cycle


thinking of running another cycle. wanting to gain a good 15 pounds. The questions is what compounds do I run? I do hardcore clean bulks of course and try and stay below 12% body fat during my bulks. I workout 12 times a week. two a days for 6 days a week and weigh 180 lbs. been Lifting for 2.5 years and have completed a cycle of lgd, s4, and gw on a cut and lost 7% body fat and gained a good 5 lbs or more of muscle. I want to bring a whole new package but don't want to get too big too fast if you know what I mean. I definitely want lgd to be in the
mix for 12 weeks and don't want sr9009, or mk677 in the mix. was thinking of running lgd, s4, rad, ostarine, and cardarine. for all 12 weeks but thought I might get too big too fast because I blew up on lgd, and s4. thoughts?

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What are your full stats man? Age, height, weight, bf%? Dude training 12 times a week is excessive if its intense. What kind of training do you do?
5'9. 180 lbs. 8% body fat and I do hypertrophy training occasionally going heavy on a 6 day split

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What are your full stats man? Age, height, weight, bf%? Dude training 12 times a week is excessive if its intense. What kind of training do you do?

185 lbs 8% body fat and I do hypertrophy training occasionally going heavy on a 6 day split. I recovery very easily.

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