One of the key questions that would inform this decision is "How well did you control estrogen on your first cycle?" Because 400 test is a great first cycle and easy to manage. Deca introduces new issues. A little but more conversion when added to that test but primarily prolactin. Thing that scares me about deca and this is just me, I haven't used it, is this idea that your controlling ancillary drug Cabergoline is itself a side effect generating drug IN SOME people, not everyone. We had a great thread about Caber aides a week ago or so I suggest it for reading. Now people take and survive deca and caber sides all the time it's not like it's superdrol or Tren or something. But it's worth understanding that it's another level of management. You can't ignore the prolactin. There's a poor bastard posting about his annihilated HPTA axis and infertility right now unfortunately probably because he used deca twice with no protection. A year later his male health is blitzed. Sorry for the cold douse of water. Just use it responsibly.