


stets said:
RickRock said:
stets said:
william32 said:
Does anyone ever find it hard to aspirate? I use 25g pins and always aspirate put those things are like pulling a compound bow.

I find it tough sometimes to aspirated aswell but as long as I see that air bubbles pulling in, then I know I'm all good.

It shouldn't take a whole lot of effort to pull back on the plunger. You should be holding the pin with one hand and pulling back on the plunger with another. You won't be able to do this with two hands pinning delts, but you should be able to most sites. I even do it on glutes easy, because I stay closer to the side of the glute. What you should be seeing is a vacuum in front of the oil that you can feel trying to pull the plunger back into place. If you see this you are good. If there is any blood that comes in is when you would stop.

I've been pinning delts the whole time and I feel my delts getting tougher and tougher for the needle to enter. And aspritating with 1 had is a bit tough especially when the hand from the other side is trying to reach all the way over lol
Yes, as I said aspirating with delt injections are going to be extremely difficult, and probably not worth it. Trying to do it one handed probably moves the needle around too much causing damage and rendering the aspiration useless anyways because the needle will not stay in the same place. With that site I wouldn't even bother

RickRock said:
stets said:
RickRock said:
stets said:
william32 said:
Does anyone ever find it hard to aspirate? I use 25g pins and always aspirate put those things are like pulling a compound bow.

I find it tough sometimes to aspirated aswell but as long as I see that air bubbles pulling in, then I know I'm all good.

It shouldn't take a whole lot of effort to pull back on the plunger. You should be holding the pin with one hand and pulling back on the plunger with another. You won't be able to do this with two hands pinning delts, but you should be able to most sites. I even do it on glutes easy, because I stay closer to the side of the glute. What you should be seeing is a vacuum in front of the oil that you can feel trying to pull the plunger back into place. If you see this you are good. If there is any blood that comes in is when you would stop.

I've been pinning delts the whole time and I feel my delts getting tougher and tougher for the needle to enter. And aspritating with 1 had is a bit tough especially when the hand from the other side is trying to reach all the way over lol
Yes, as I said aspirating with delt injections are going to be extremely difficult, and probably not worth it. Trying to do it one handed probably moves the needle around too much causing damage and rendering the aspiration useless anyways because the needle will not stay in the same place. With that site I wouldn't even bother

^^ Ecxactly.. hit the glutes bro ! (thats what she said).. LOL

RickRock said:
stets said:
RickRock said:
stets said:
william32 said:
Does anyone ever find it hard to aspirate? I use 25g pins and always aspirate put those things are like pulling a compound bow.

I find it tough sometimes to aspirated aswell but as long as I see that air bubbles pulling in, then I know I'm all good.

It shouldn't take a whole lot of effort to pull back on the plunger. You should be holding the pin with one hand and pulling back on the plunger with another. You won't be able to do this with two hands pinning delts, but you should be able to most sites. I even do it on glutes easy, because I stay closer to the side of the glute. What you should be seeing is a vacuum in front of the oil that you can feel trying to pull the plunger back into place. If you see this you are good. If there is any blood that comes in is when you would stop.

I've been pinning delts the whole time and I feel my delts getting tougher and tougher for the needle to enter. And aspritating with 1 had is a bit tough especially when the hand from the other side is trying to reach all the way over lol
Yes, as I said aspirating with delt injections are going to be extremely difficult, and probably not worth it. Trying to do it one handed probably moves the needle around too much causing damage and rendering the aspiration useless anyways because the needle will not stay in the same place. With that site I wouldn't even bother

I've asked this before but, is it worth it to hit glutes with a 1in. Needle? Or should I not bother?

stets said:
RickRock said:
stets said:
RickRock said:
stets said:
william32 said:
Does anyone ever find it hard to aspirate? I use 25g pins and always aspirate put those things are like pulling a compound bow.

I find it tough sometimes to aspirated aswell but as long as I see that air bubbles pulling in, then I know I'm all good.

It shouldn't take a whole lot of effort to pull back on the plunger. You should be holding the pin with one hand and pulling back on the plunger with another. You won't be able to do this with two hands pinning delts, but you should be able to most sites. I even do it on glutes easy, because I stay closer to the side of the glute. What you should be seeing is a vacuum in front of the oil that you can feel trying to pull the plunger back into place. If you see this you are good. If there is any blood that comes in is when you would stop.

I've been pinning delts the whole time and I feel my delts getting tougher and tougher for the needle to enter. And aspritating with 1 had is a bit tough especially when the hand from the other side is trying to reach all the way over lol
Yes, as I said aspirating with delt injections are going to be extremely difficult, and probably not worth it. Trying to do it one handed probably moves the needle around too much causing damage and rendering the aspiration useless anyways because the needle will not stay in the same place. With that site I wouldn't even bother

I've asked this before but, is it worth it to hit glutes with a 1in. Needle? Or should I not bother?

you most certainly can, (depending on fat and size content of course) but the preferred size would be 1.5
I have not aspirated in the past four hundred pins are so. But I will say I've had some severe tren cough., I never use longer than 1 inch pin. And I almost always do 4 CC's at a time in the glutes.
I don't aspirate in my glutes but I do in my quads even though I rarely pin there. I did cough once when pinning Cyp but it was only one little cough but I noticed it (came out of nowhere)... I've never used Tren...

How bad is Tren cough?
Blackhat said:
I have not aspirated in the past four hundred pins are so. But I will say I've had some severe tren cough., I never use longer than 1 inch pin. And I almost always do 4 CC's at a time in the glutes.

Someone told me tren cough is pretty much on the ground coughing for your dear life hahahaha. I find that funny but also scary to experience
I have never aspirated and have never had a problem with my go to spots. Im sure one day I will regret it. but I am usually sitting down b/c im scared of passing out coughing and busting my damn head on the toilet or sink
stets said:
Blackhat said:
I have not aspirated in the past four hundred pins are so. But I will say I've had some severe tren cough., I never use longer than 1 inch pin. And I almost always do 4 CC's at a time in the glutes.

Someone told me tren cough is pretty much on the ground coughing for your dear life hahahaha. I find that funny but also scary to experience

Ive had tren cough once or twice, but it was manageable and passes fairly quickly. Im sure some people have it alot worse, and some not at all. This has only happened when i did NOT aspirate. So i learned it the hard way to ALWAYS aspirate regardless, it only takes 2 seconds and the way i see it why would i ever take the risk, to save me a couple seconds ? No thank you, its not worth it to me one bit. And if for some reason you happen to inject into a VEIN not blood vessel, the least of your worries will be simple tren cough... so be cautious
Tren cough can be very bad. I have had both eyes bloodshot and my lungs to hurt for two days after. Most of the time it is just a one to two minutes of coughing. But I can be where you just can't even get a breath. Keep an inhaler handie when pinning tren. Especially if it is tren suspension!!!
So the same damn day we were talkin this my buddy texted and said he squirted blood, so from now on im aspirating. Thanks for the convo guys
I have found it hard to pull back the damn plunger in my quad. but I am done pinning for a few weeks anyways like ive heard the 5cc's I got from gpz are hard to pull even with the oils and shit so maybe its just the syringe all I got were a bunch of small bubbles when I aspirated is that normal?
Scary pin expierence

I have found it hard to pull back the damn plunger in my quad. but I am done pinning for a few weeks anyways like ive heard the 5cc's I got from gpz are hard to pull even with the oils and shit so maybe its just the syringe all I got were a bunch of small bubbles when I aspirated is that normal?

Yes bubbles are normal.

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I have found it hard to pull back the damn plunger in my quad. but I am done pinning for a few weeks anyways like ive heard the 5cc's I got from gpz are hard to pull even with the oils and shit so maybe its just the syringe all I got were a bunch of small bubbles when I aspirated is that normal?

^if your finding it hard to pull back the plunger that means your good to go bro, u cant suck muscle into the syringe, lol
I wasn't sure if I even wanted to read this thread. I hate hearing the horror stories about pinning gone wrong.

It's always hard for me to aspirate too. I have to really pull on the syringe to even get some bubbles. That's good though. Means I'm not in a vein or anything.

I don't know how you guys do the glute shots by yourself. So fucking awkward. I've only pinned my quads so far. I'll be trying the VG and delts when I start my next round.

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Right glute is easy for me. I haven't tried left. Less flexible from that side. I'm looking into trying a delt at some point.

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I wasn't sure if I even wanted to read this thread. I hate hearing the horror stories about pinning gone wrong.

It's always hard for me to aspirate too. I have to really pull on the syringe to even get some bubbles. That's good though. Means I'm not in a vein or anything.

I don't know how you guys do the glute shots by yourself. So fucking awkward. I've only pinned my quads so far. I'll be trying the VG and delts when I start my next round.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

^Dont forget there will be pin scarring, so select your injection locations accordingly
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