
Scar tissue hinders gains?

Hey folks, I have been pinning my delts for quite some time now. Its an easy target and less hassle. I also pin my pecs but moslty delts. There's parts in my delts where I can't stick the needle in. They say its scar tissue. I'm assuming I have alot of it around the delts since I have to pin in certain locations now. My question is will all that scar tissue keep me from gaining muscle size in the delts since its a tough layer on top of the muscle. The reason I pin in the delts and pecs is I always get pip in my quads and I really struggle turning to my side for the glutes. Thanks.
Hey folks, I have been pinning my delts for quite some time now. Its an easy target and less hassle. I also pin my pecs but moslty delts. There's parts in my delts where I can't stick the needle in. They say its scar tissue. I'm assuming I have alot of it around the delts since I have to pin in certain locations now. My question is will all that scar tissue keep me from gaining muscle size in the delts since its a tough layer on top of the muscle. The reason I pin in the delts and pecs is I always get pip in my quads and I really struggle turning to my side for the glutes. Thanks.

its really messed up my left delt... pocketed oil as robo pointed out is a concern... i have had my massage therapist straight pounding away on my delt for a month now and she finally got down to what i believe was oil because it freed up quite a bit, although still swollen, its far better... you dont want this issue... watch some videos on pinning quads so you can exactly where to hit... mine get sore quite often after injections too because i inject a lot at once but you can find good spots over there as well...
The question was not answered tho. And I'm curious to this as well. If you are pinning the same place, and scar tissue builds up, will it effect your gains? Does the scar tissue harden up and the hormone does not get properly released? I have searched the net for info on this and couldn't really find it.
The question was not answered tho. And I'm curious to this as well. If you are pinning the same place, and scar tissue builds up, will it effect your gains? Does the scar tissue harden up and the hormone does not get properly released? I have searched the net for info on this and couldn't really find it.

Scar tissue is an inherited trait. I never had any even using 18g in my delts. The scar tissue does nothing except look bad. However ,depending upon how deep the tissue is there may be a problem getting a depot there. It could make what we call subQ and little deeper, and a 1 inch pin may still be subQ. If you pin with 1.5g you will bypass the scar. Also sometimes I go in a an angle from the outside of the delt toward and downward to the inside of the delt
thanks Jake for the info. I might have to go for a bigger needle. I use a 5/8 inch. My front and rear delts are fine but the mid delts I literally have to use force to jam the needle in there and its only a 25 gauge
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