
Saw your video, need help


My husband is teaching the end of a tren cycle, he is getting 150cc/150mg every third day.
I recently started adding testosterone propionate ...
He is 50 years old, I am 35... We just got married and trying for a family.....
He had zero sperm last year after a cycle....
I just want to make sure he is doing the right post cycle treatment of nolvadex for 30 days.
We have done research, we came across your videos and you seem to be the most knowledgeable and that is why I am teaching out.
I just want him to be safe, and I want our sex life back too!
He has bad night sweats, he is irritable and moody and has nicole sex drive and quit frankly, I feel he has ED from this.
Please help
so he was not running test before just tren? oh boy. ya his problems are probably directly related if he was running tren solo. with no kind of prolaction protection or liver support kidneys? WOW nolva for 30 days isnt all he needs for sure
He needs to quit this cycle. He should be running caber, aromasin and test should have been ran at the beginning with Tren. With no AI such as aromasin to protect you from above normal estrogen levels, and no caber can lead to prolactin issues.

How long has he been running this cycle?

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My husband is teaching the end of a tren cycle, he is getting 150cc/150mg every third day.
I recently started adding testosterone propionate ...
He is 50 years old, I am 35... We just got married and trying for a family.....
He had zero sperm last year after a cycle....
I just want to make sure he is doing the right post cycle treatment of nolvadex for 30 days.
We have done research, we came across your videos and you seem to be the most knowledgeable and that is why I am teaching out.
I just want him to be safe, and I want our sex life back too!
He has bad night sweats, he is irritable and moody and has nicole sex drive and quit frankly, I feel he has ED from this.
Please help

this is just flat out horrible... why is he running tren when its clear you both are clueless on what your doing? no test? no aromasin and no caber? this is only going to get far worse... and your pct plan is just awful... its not even close to a full post cycle... the so called post cycle you laid out will do nothing... why would you do this? its really bad... you dont run cycles without test and you definitely dont run things like tren with no test nor no protection... you think he has problems now? just wait!! i would highly recommend getting bloodwork done and seeing all the damage done, because there is certainly plenty... don't plan on anything with kids either because from what you described, its not on the list of things even probable... you made a very large mistake doing this and not researching and knowing what your doing... honestly, i would be praying more than anything to hope things work out because i dont see it... PCT is the most important part of a cycle so i am going to give you the proper pct protocol and where to buy it, although i would be looking at running this 8 weeks as opposed to 4... so you should buy 2 of these stacks... here's the link to get the entire stack...

clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25/25/0
nolva 0/40/40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror.
I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help.
I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.
The problem is people don't ask questions first. they think they know everything and then when the problems show up they want's nothing personal to you I'm's just this same type of thing happens over n over here. It gets frustrating to say the least...but the help is there,he mentioned doin a long pct and get more advice can be given until you complete those 2 steps. Once that's done we can advise further
right well he is blunt and to the point it isn't personal at all, but you have to understand his shock and awe of this horrible cycle your hubby has been on, we discussed in your other thread what he needed to do and DG hit on it again do an extensive PCT laid out by him and then get some bloodwork. the whole shock thing is because people ask questions at the "end" of their cycle and wonder why they have nipple sensitivity or milk squirting from their man tits, and it is frustrating but we are glad you are here and hopefully he will listen to the advise of STOPPING this and getting right then have a well thought out plan for his next cycle and have everything on hand before the first needle enters his body as far as protection.
Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror.
I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help.
I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.

It is just upsetting to all of us when we hear mis use stories. Dylan will help you. We try our hardest to give everyone the safest advice we can, but unfortunately people write us after they have made big mistakes. The pct stack that Dylan laid out for your husband (not you ) is of the utmost importance.Please get on it asap and then after it is done get bloodwork and sperm count done. I think a 2 month program will do the trick for him. Good luck for your future, and if he decides to do any more cycles then please post first.
Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror.
I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help.
I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.

I think you misunderstanding... its just a HUGE concern for you two to be doing this and not have a clue what your doing first.. its one thing to get yourself fully educated top to bottom etc... and shit, for all i know, you may have been completely misguided by someone else but you never indicated that so i wouldn't know... the point is, A LOT of this could have EASILY been avoided but now its a mess.. i want to help, and i told you exactly what to do... you cant expect a bit of backlash or tough love for what you did here though... beyond that, the help is here but you have to learn everything and sometimes, actually A LOT of times, hard lessons are the ones we all learn... i meant no harm whatsoever, in fact, far more the adverse, as i TRULY want to help unlike most who could flat out give a shit about you or your well being... just know that im here along with everyone else, to help in any way we can...
Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror.
I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help.
I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.
Help is exactly what we are here for. Sometimes things are not exactly what you want to hear, but please don't take offense. None of us truly mean any harm. We only want the best for everyone. We look out for everyone's safety and health and we only want the best for all.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I can tell you that no one cares more than Dylan. Pull the stinger up and get on the program and we are here for you until the end.
Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror.
I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help.
I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.

First off I don't mean to be a complete asshole, but...
Aside from pointing out that you and your hubby screwed up and your getting upset, there is nothing wrong with what he told you. If you didn't want the proper answers, why ask the questions? You can't assume that you and your hubby have all the answers and go about things correctly and for people to just pat you on the back. We all have done things, stupid things, at some point in time and this is your particular moment to shine.

'My husband is teaching the end of a tren cycle, he is getting 150cc/150mg every third day.
I recently started adding testosterone propionate ... (seems to me your the family pharmacist responsible for this mess)
He is 50 years old, I am 35... We just got married and trying for a family.....
He had zero sperm last year after a cycle....
I just want to make sure he is doing the right post cycle treatment of nolvadex for 30 days.
We have done research, we came across your videos and you seem to be the most knowledgeable and that is why I am teaching out.
I just want him to be safe, and I want our sex life back too!

He has bad night sweats, he is irritable and moody and has nicole sex drive and quit frankly, I feel he has ED from this.
Please help '

You ask for so much and when you hear stuff you don't like you nut up. If you wanted to be lied to you could've asked me. I'm friendly enough and uninvested in this situation so I would've gladly blew smoke up your ass if you wanted... but Dylan actually cares and wants peoples experience with SARMs and gear to be enjoyable. The only reason your hubby tried gear was to impress, or keep up with your wants and needs and he, probably with your assistance in researching gear, is now all eff'd up. What you should've done is married someone your age if being 50 and having a 50 y/o's body and sex drive was an issue with you, however I'm sure the average 35 y/o man isn't as secure as you'd like them to be and are still young enough to have kids that require financial support which would irritate you to death. He can be fixed and between Dylan and a doc it'll happen. I just hope that you learn to be receptive of what is being said... "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth..."
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Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror.
I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help.
I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.

Dylan didn't criticize you hardly at all. He just said you messed up which you already knew. His advice may save your family plans so be thankful otherwise you may well be fucked if it weren't for him. I'm sure you're fine as far as fertility. Just do the proper pct Dylan gave you and stop messing with hormones neither of you properly researched. I had both my kids on tren so take a breath and put your big girl panties on.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
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Okay, thanks for the responses....
I do trust you guys and trying to be as receptive as I can.
Just scary the situation I'm in....
So I have the PCT now, I feel stupid asking, but, it's in liquid form and all I've received is generalized instructions.
I literally need a calendar, like, day one, take .......
And another stupid question- how do I take it? Put it on my tongue and swallow?
Mix it into a drink?
I am assuming bc it's a liquid form with a dropper that it's oral?
Thanks guys
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