Haven't used bluesky but I can definitely vouch for SarmsX. There are a ton of guys on here who have done reviews/logs that were very successful with them. Make sure you also get your PCT if you haven't already. A mini pct is required which is Clomid 25mg ED for 4 weeks. You can also continue your GW through pct as well. What are your stats bud? How long are you planning this cycle? (12 weeks is best).
Wow thanks for all the responses. The problem I find I am having right now is my heart is beating rapidly and hard when I start to work out. My dosing is 10mg-lgd, 25mg-mk and 50mg-s4 split into 2 doses 4-6 hrs apart. I am taking hc generate and a pre workout supp. before hitting the gym. My dosing is in the morning and my workouts are late afternoon. I'm really fatigued and cannot get much of a workout. Can anybody tell me why my heart feels like it is going to explode and why I do not have the stamina to workout? Is my dosing to much for me? should I skip the preworkout supp.? I do not feel that I am getting the most out of the sarms that I think I should. Please help on this.