


New member
I recently purchased some GW for some research from sarms1. After reading from some old forum posts that that was the best place to get it. How do I know if the stuff is legit? Should I use it? Pretty expensive would be s#+% if it wasn't legit. Anyone know how I can find out?
smithjosh said:
I recently purchased some GW for some research from sarms1. After reading from some old forum posts that that was the best place to get it. How do I know if the stuff is legit? Should I use it? Pretty expensive would be s#+% if it wasn't legit. Anyone know how I can find out?

Unfortunately its far from legit... This is is why its important to stay up to date at all times on posts and experiences... They have been selling horse shit under dosed and/or counterfeit products for several months now which is one of the million reasons why so many of us left
They once were, for a short amount of time.

dont spend money there now man......may as well just buy grain alcohol cuz thats what they suspend their supposed "sarms' in.
Re: RE: Sarms1

smithjosh said:
I recently purchased some GW for some research from sarms1. After reading from some old forum posts that that was the best place to get it. How do I know if the stuff is legit? Should I use it? Pretty expensive would be s#+% if it wasn't legit. Anyone know how I can find out?
At one time sarms1 had quality products, but thos days have been over for quite some time. Their products are terrible now, underdosed, and some are not even the right compound they are advertised as. Stay far clear from them in the future, and go with pure essence sarms. You cannot go wrong with them. The best quality and purity out there
They are nothing but shit brother! Unfortunately I just ordered some GW and MK before I found out what was going on over there. I ran 2 bottles of GW and the whole bottle of MK and got absolutely nothing from it. I tossed the last bottle of GW. They got me for 300 bucks!! Please don't order from them you will be out money with product that does not work. Have a good day brother.
SHOOBB88 said:
They are nothing but shit brother! Unfortunately I just ordered some GW and MK before I found out what was going on over there. I ran 2 bottles of GW and the whole bottle of MK and got absolutely nothing from it. I tossed the last bottle of GW. They got me for 300 bucks!! Please don't order from them you will be out money with product that does not work. Have a good day brother.

That's a pretty good assessment of their level of quality now. You definitely want to stay far clear from them
I know this post is a few weeks old but I want to say thanks for saving me some money and trouble guys! Almost bought from Sarms1 based on some older info until I saw this thanks again. Ill be ordering from Pure Essence now.
Sharpthing said:
I know this post is a few weeks old but I want to say thanks for saving me some money and trouble guys! Almost bought from Sarms1 based on some older info until I saw this thanks again. Ill be ordering from Pure Essence now.

I sure am glad you found AR, before making your purchase brother. Pure Essence will not let you down, and give you the best quality available out there for sarms. Sarms1 has turned to complete crap and it's a good thing you didn't waste your money there
Sharpthing said:
I know this post is a few weeks old but I want to say thanks for saving me some money and trouble guys! Almost bought from Sarms1 based on some older info until I saw this thanks again. Ill be ordering from Pure Essence now.

im really sorry you fell victim to that... bait and switch is something one cannot ever predict or someone just turning to flat out deceit and greed, which is what their entire board and practice is based upon... i truly am sorry but luckily you will not be around that shit any longer
Newby here. After watching Gemelli's videos on you tube I was excited to buy and saw some posts pushing Sarms1 so like a fool I bought 5-GW and 5-S4 should I expect no results from this stuff or is it just under dosed or what?
OCZArt said:
Newby here. After watching Gemelli's videos on you tube I was excited to buy and saw some posts pushing Sarms1 so like a fool I bought 5-GW and 5-S4 should I expect no results from this stuff or is it just under dosed or what?

It's hard to say what you are getting bro. If you just ordered I would cancel the order.
OCZArt said:
Newby here. After watching Gemelli's videos on you tube I was excited to buy and saw some posts pushing Sarms1 so like a fool I bought 5-GW and 5-S4 should I expect no results from this stuff or is it just under dosed or what?

unfortunately you bought a misrepresented product... stay FAR away from evolutionary or any sites they are involved in or you will only be misled... its coming out daily how many people have no results whatsoever from their products and that's why we all disassociated any ties with them that we had... im truly sorry you had to experience this but as long as you are here, you no longer have to worry about any misrepresentation or being misled in any way...
I recently purchased some GW for some research from sarms1. After reading from some old forum posts that that was the best place to get it. How do I know if the stuff is legit? Should I use it? Pretty expensive would be s#+% if it wasn't legit. Anyone know how I can find out?

their gw seemed ok to me.I havent used their sarms in along time but i do know they are overpriced, thats for sure .you can use the sponsor of this board and get the same sarms for about half the price and good chance its higher quality also
They are too hit and miss at sarms1 man. Some is good some is bad. Never consistant. Even for the ones who they are supposed to support the most. Lol even the mods get bunk shit all the time.

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Stuff doesn't do anything. Noticed no difference. Waste of $190.

they have nothing but complaints... i can't tell you how many times they have probably erased complaints etc... its just absurd... i get so many messages telling me they were ripped off etc...
Its just sad honestly. Like I couldn't do that to people regardless of the money. That kinda behavior comes from someone who truly is a piece of shit.
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