


New member
I'm following you on YouTube, and I would like to thank you for the great content that you delivery, it is very helpful!

I was thinking to start use sarms to try get some more lean muscle mass, the goal would be around 5/6 kg, I used peptides before and ostarine all through injection, I started having symptoms of gyno which made me use nolva to balance out my hormones. Everything through docs and with regular blood test.
My eostradiol at the moment is 153 three point above the limit and my test is pretty high too 31 of 35.
I was thinking to do two cycles of 8 weeks with a month of pct (nolva+SR) the cycle that I was thinking about was SR + MK667 and I was considering to add s4 since looks like should not give gyno. What do you think about this protocoll? Should I run an AI? I'm happy to have blood test every month..
Sorry for so many questions, but Iike to be precise before I start anything that could be harmful for my health.
I hope to hearing from you soon!
It seems that I'm very estrogen sensitive, that's why I asked about s4 and if I should run an AI
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