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Hey Dylan I had some questions I was hoping you could help me with about sarms I'm taking 30 mg of the rad140 15 mg of the lgd-4033 10mg of the yk11 and 20 mg of the mk-2866 is this beneficial to me to be taking all for these at once and safe and also since I started taking the sarms my blood sugar level has dropped we're actually was dangerously low I had labs done and my doctor called me and told me I was dangerously low of course I eat some carbohydrates and take some sugar in and then I feel much better in about 10 minutes but I was just wondering if you could help me with these questions about if it's beneficial and safe for me and if you know of any relation between the sarms and low blood sugars I listen to all your videos on YouTube you are the guy I go to when I need information I really appreciate the free advice you give educational purposes?
bro, why on earth are you taking yk11? you clearly are not watching my videos that much because that video is one of my more popular videos and i clearly indicate that yk11 is horrible... where id you get your sarms? you are not even taking anything that would cause blood sugar to drop bro...
And as far as yk11 goes I've watched your videos on the yk11 and yes you did say do not take absolutely more than 10 mg maybe stay at 5 mg this yk-11 has not been out long enough for there's been any studies done I would just like to know what is so horrible about it I've had feedback on questions that I have asked but it is very vague people saying the enhanced athlete arms are not sarms well tell me what they are then yk11 is horrible what is horrible about it I'm just trying to educate myself I got about $700 of enhanced athlete products sitting on my counter and just started taking them last week
What are they then if there not sarms?

Well, I'll put it to you this way. There have been countless people that have come to this forum complaining about the bad side effcts they have had from enhanced athlete sarms that are consistent with prohormones. Things like extreme shutdown, gyno, bad lethargy, hi blood pressure, really bad lipid profiles, etc...
Damn im going to be fucking pissed if this shit is prohormons im talking sarms for the gact there not toxic on the liver i just came off a cycle and my liver need a break i will fuck myself up if this is prohormons i will find that dr huge and kill that mother fucker
Damn im going to be fucking pissed if this shit is prohormons im talking sarms for the gact there not toxic on the liver i just came off a cycle and my liver need a break i will fuck myself up if this is prohormons i will find that dr huge and kill that mother fucker

Unfortunately we have people complaining every week about pro hormone side effects from EA "sarms"... just do a quick search and you will find loads of posts... I'm sorry you made this mistake bro, make sure that next time you order from a reputable source, like sarmsx
Damn im going to be fucking pissed if this shit is prohormons im talking sarms for the gact there not toxic on the liver i just came off a cycle and my liver need a break i will fuck myself up if this is prohormons i will find that dr huge and kill that mother fucker

Ya bro, I understand. I wish you would have came here first before purchasing so we could have steered you in the right direction
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