
SARMS X is now live!! Please Read!

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Tf. I'm ectomorph, mesomorph, ( medium build) noticed pronounced gains is strength and size in just 13 days, diet right, but my concern is using mk 677;2866 my arms and chest are real defined but lower abs are showing bloat. Pouring concrete every day helps with fitness and I drink up to 3 to 5 gal of water a day ( 6 gr creatine) I'm exhausted by the time I get back to hotel. Question,, if I up my intake of 2866 from 25 ml to maybe 35 ml with what I do, will this help or hinder my progress of lean mm. Ps. Pissing like crazy

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There is no need or reason to ever exceed 25mg of MK-2866. Just stay at that dose

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
There is no need or reason to ever exceed 25mg of MK-2866. Just stay at that dose

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Rr. I don't know if you do personal advise and nutrition training. But if you do I am interested in hiring you. I am not a pro and work very hard for what little $ I get. You know what your doing

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Hi I have just recently bought some mk677, s4, lgd 4033 and rad 140. All bought from sarmsx. I was hoping to get some help on dosing? And also on when to take each one. For example, early morning, or after lunch etc.
I'm currently around 280lbs at about 9-10% body fat, at 6'6. I'm hoping to gain around 12-15lbs.
Any help would be great!👍
Hi I have just recently bought some mk677, s4, lgd 4033 and rad 140. All bought from sarmsx. I was hoping to get some help on dosing? And also on when to take each one. For example, early morning, or after lunch etc.
I'm currently around 280lbs at about 9-10% body fat, at 6'6. I'm hoping to gain around 12-15lbs.
Any help would be great!👍

remember, you can and SHOULD run mk677 6 months to a year and you do not need to take any breaks...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Dosing and timing

I have just ordered some rad140, s4, mk677 and lgd 4033 form sarmsx. And I was hoping I could get some help with how much to dose per day, and when to dose. For example I believe mk needs to be taken in the morning?
I'm currently around 280 at about 9-10% bf, at 6'6.
Any help wouid be much appreciated.
Ok great! What about s4?
And does mk677 have the same effects as gh on internal organs and cancer cells and rumors?
S4 is 50mg per day split (25mg dosed twice per day 6 hours apart)

MK677 does not have effect on growth of internal organs and cancer celks. That only comes from GH abuse of those that run it too high. GH in itself won't cause it when ran responsibly

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
as a first time user, the site was very easy to navigate and process orders (Y) great selection of products, stacks and also discounted items!
I just made my first purchase of the healing stack. I am looking forward to realizing the benefits of this for my bilateral elbow tendinosis and rotator cuff strain.
I'm sure this has been asked somewhere else but since I'm new to the site I need to ask. Whats the deal with not promoting SARMS 1 anymore? Is there a problem with there company or product?
I'm sure this has been asked somewhere else but since I'm new to the site I need to ask. Whats the deal with not promoting SARMS 1 anymore? Is there a problem with there company or product?

Yes, sarms1 is not a company we endorse in any way shape or form. Their product quality went way downhill starting well over a year ago and is now very poor. There is complaints everywhere about them. It is nothing I would waste my money on whatsoever, and certainly nothing I would take.

The only sarms source we trust and endorse here is which is going to be the highest quality you'll find on anything out there

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Our bank has sent us a form for the cardholder to sign before this order can be processed. You are requested to kindly fill in the attached form, sign, scan, and send it back to us by replying to this email.

Please also send us copies of identification proof of the cardholder such as a passport or driving license and front and back side copies of the card.

Your order is on hold till we receive this communication from you.

Thank you for your business,
Brian Williams, CS, - The Best SARMS Research Producer

This sounds like the most scammy thing I've ever heard. "Hey uh.. yeah we need a picture of your license and for you to sign your signature on a piece of paper.. oh can you give us your social security number too?" All because their site wont allow me to add a billing address.

Is this something anyone else had to go through?

Can someone who has ordered from SARMSX reassure me that it is secure?
Last edited:
Our bank has sent us a form for the cardholder to sign before this order can be processed. You are requested to kindly fill in the attached form, sign, scan, and send it back to us by replying to this email.

Please also send us copies of identification proof of the cardholder such as a passport or driving license and front and back side copies of the card.

Your order is on hold till we receive this communication from you.

Thank you for your business,
Brian Williams, CS, - The Best SARMS Research Producer

This sounds like the most scammy thing I've ever heard. "Hey uh.. yeah we need a picture of your license and for you to sign your signature on a piece of paper.. oh can you give us your social security number too?" All because their site wont allow me to add a billing address.

Is this something anyone else had to go through?

Can someone who has ordered from SARMSX reassure me that it is secure?

This is normal when making large purchases
Our bank has sent us a form for the cardholder to sign before this order can be processed. You are requested to kindly fill in the attached form, sign, scan, and send it back to us by replying to this email.

Please also send us copies of identification proof of the cardholder such as a passport or driving license and front and back side copies of the card.

Your order is on hold till we receive this communication from you.

Thank you for your business,
Brian Williams, CS, - The Best SARMS Research Producer

This sounds like the most scammy thing I've ever heard. "Hey uh.. yeah we need a picture of your license and for you to sign your signature on a piece of paper.. oh can you give us your social security number too?" All because their site wont allow me to add a billing address.

Is this something anyone else had to go through?

Can someone who has ordered from SARMSX reassure me that it is secure?
This is absolutely normal protocol and nothing whatsoever to be alarmed about. It's necessary for security measure's because of fraud that has happened in the past

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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