
Sarms with pituitary micro adenoma(tumor)


New member
I have a micro adenoma which is a benign tumour the size of a dot, my hormonal blood panels are all normal except for prolactin level which my endocrinologist is prescribing cabergoline for.

I bought 12 weeks supply of ostarine and mk677 and now wondering if I can take them?
i have the same thing, i've used sarms and it's been fine. i will say depending where the tumor is, it can have different effects on your hormones. did they test igf1? i got a prescription for hgh from having mine diagnosed. i also had elevated prolactin, but once i got my other hormones lined up and got my diet/exercise in order it went down to normal. i would also say, i've seen a top neurosurgeon, and he told me with something that size, if you do repeat mri and never see it grow, it's possible it's not even a tumor but just fluid, and there is no way to really know without surgery.
i have the same thing, i've used sarms and it's been fine. i will say depending where the tumor is, it can have different effects on your hormones. did they test igf1? i got a prescription for hgh from having mine diagnosed. i also had elevated prolactin, but once i got my other hormones lined up and got my diet/exercise in order it went down to normal. i would also say, i've seen a top neurosurgeon, and he told me with something that size, if you do repeat mri and never see it grow, it's possible it's not even a tumor but just fluid, and there is no way to really know without surgery.

Thanks for the response. They will be testing my prolactin levels again along with cortisol and igf. So let's see how things go.
i dont see a big iissue there either bro... check your bloodwork first and then post it but i dont see a big issue there
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