Looks like your question of why SARMs cost more has been answered but Ill add my 2 cents on making decisions based on price.
Why not just go with AAS since its cheaper??? Its a good question OP but honestly the answer is somewhat irrelevant. We have all thought about the cost vs results question but ultimately you should select your gear, be it SARMs or AAS, based on your goals. For example, lets say a younger guy (21yrs old) wants to make some gains. AAS simply arent a good fit. Or lets say its someone older and he wants to avoid supression.............again, SARMs are a better fit. Now lets say a 35yr old has pretty much reached his max potential, doesnt want kids, and has low T...........AAS use (TRT with blasts) might be a better choice. Hopefully you get my point. If you base your decision solely on price, there is a good chance its the wrong decision. This is your health, dont make choices based on money. If you cant commit the money to the "gear" [for your specific goals] and cost of this lifestyle then just wait till you do.
Ive seen that you have gone back and forth on SARMs and AAS. I did the same thing when I started. You did the right thing by choosing SARMs first as its a great introduction. If you dont make gains off your SARMs then you would not have made any off AAS.