
SARMS strategy question

Freestyle Kyle

New member
So I have recently purchased 12 weeks worth of S-4, as well as 12 weeks worth of GW-501516. My question is, do you honestly think that I would get more from running both of them together for 12 weeks? Or by running one for 12, taking a few weeks off, and then running the other for 12?
Keep in mind that my goals are cutting fat here. I'm around 17% BF trying to get to 12%. I understand that most people feel that running SARMS together is best, but surely there could be some benefits to have 24 total weeks worth of SARMS assistance, because you can only lose so much fat per week right?
And if I did run one cycle, then the other, which should I run first? I appreciate any and all opinions.
its far better to run them together....FAR better.. there is a lot of synergy between the two and with your goals you ABSOLUTELY want to stack them.. thats pretty much a no brainer... i dont know one person that would tell you to split them
I see. So basically (given that my diet and exercise routine stays fully precise) I stand to lose more weight over the course of 24 weeks by doing 12 of those weeks on S-4/GW together and the other 12 weeks with no supplements, as opposed to a total of 24 straight weeks on SARMS with them split?
Gotcha. Roger that.
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