
sarms stack

Don't mean any disrespect Dylan, I just thought in trusted the gentleman that sold me the shit that put my health in jeopardy in the first place so I'm a lititle paranoid, but im a sucker for the gains lol. So back to my question do you think s4 is a good option for me since it has benifets on the prostate, and how likely will it impact my libido sir. I have the protocal I how to run it but just want to clear this question up. AGAIN BRO NO DISRESPECT TO YOU OR ANYTHING YOU DO, I was just shocked on how he bashed sarms in general but im really trying to steer away from gear.
Don't mean any disrespect Dylan, I just thought in trusted the gentleman that sold me the shit that put my health in jeopardy in the first place so I'm a lititle paranoid, but im a sucker for the gains lol. So back to my question do you think s4 is a good option for me since it has benifets on the prostate, and how likely will it impact my libido sir. I have the protocal I how to run it but just want to clear this question up. AGAIN BRO NO DISRESPECT TO YOU OR ANYTHING YOU DO, I was just shocked on how he bashed sarms in general but im really trying to steer away from gear.
no disrespect taken... i get upset because people dont even use their heads and just believe anything they hear without even looking at it.. you come across as someone who possesses rational thinking so thats why i was frustrated... some guys you just expect ignorance from but not you... so i was taken aback the way you came across but its a fair question to an extent however honestly, the fact ANYONE could take a thing that guy says seriously is beyond worrisome... if people are just willing to listen to anyone, well, its fucking scary! thats why steroids get a bad name though because many just listen to whatever someone says if they say what they want to hear without looking at facts..

regardless, lets get to your questions bro.. i can guarantee you and assure you that sarmsx has the highest quality you can find and like i said, i back that a million percent and then some... s4 is perfect for you bro... it has the prostate benefits and suppression is minimal.. it wont effect your libido at all... there's no secret on my love for s4 and with great reason!
Thanks Dylan for being straight forward with your reply, I appreciate that in a person I can't stand people that sugar coat shit, some people can take it some people will take it offensive. How many weeks do I get on each vial of s4 on your recommended dose, also should I get aromasin to have on hand? Thnx again
Thanks Dylan for being straight forward with your reply, I appreciate that in a person I can't stand people that sugar coat shit, some people can take it some people will take it offensive. How many weeks do I get on each vial of s4 on your recommended dose, also should I get aromasin to have on hand? Thnx again
for sure bro! if you stay at 50 mg per day, then one bottle of s4 lasts 30 days... sarms do not convert to estrogen but i dont care what your running, you should always have an ai on hand regardless...
Hello everyone I am a novice when it comes to using sarms.
5'9 180 13%bf
Been working out iff and on since high school and managed not to let myself go. I actually have a few questions.
1. This format 50/50/25/25 for pct. Does thst mean week one 50mg ed eod for 1st week etc...

I plan on running testolone,lgd 4033 and s4
For 12 weeks.
What I already have on hand for pct
Liquid clomid
Anastrozole and proviron.
My goals are to stay around 180-185
With an asthetic appearance. I workout M-F and rest on the weekends. I weight train and incorporate calasthetics.
Is my stack ok?
you really need to start your own thread. Badly, your pct is shit, and make sure to tell us where you got your sarms from
Hello everyone I am a novice when it comes to using sarms.
5'9 180 13%bf
Been working out iff and on since high school and managed not to let myself go. I actually have a few questions.
1. This format 50/50/25/25 for pct. Does thst mean week one 50mg ed eod for 1st week etc...

I plan on running testolone,lgd 4033 and s4
For 12 weeks.
What I already have on hand for pct
Liquid clomid
Anastrozole and proviron.
My goals are to stay around 180-185
With an asthetic appearance. I workout M-F and rest on the weekends. I weight train and incorporate calasthetics.
Is my stack ok?
bro, in the future, please respect other members and start your own thread... im sure you dont realize it but what you just did was very disrespectful... how old are you? what are your goals from the cycle? is this your first cycle?
Alright kid whatever you do DON'T BUY SARMS FROM A NUTRITION STORE. Look back on this thread to see what I had to deal with it wasn't fun and it almost cost me my man hood. Thnx toDylan and his advice everything cleared up for me but at the cost of multiple Dr's visits. No disrespect taken by the way just ask Dylan for advice and he'll take care of you. Safe cycle my frind.
Hi all,

Just for curiosity, what prohormones could be in that capsules and shut you down so hard ?
All prohormones shut you down? Is like tren or deca?
Don t know more about prohormones, never interested because is not a solution for nothing in my opinion but this make me courios, why those pills stoped your body producing own test so hard, because as i read that was very very hard, even only test 400mg/week i don t think can do this damage.

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Dude I had alot of time to think while I was going through the issues, and my guess was the time I was on the "product" and who knows what it was to begin with. I was on cycle 12 weeks and if indeed was a prohormon it was way too long. I believe a standard cycle on prohormones is 4 weeks.
Liver panel is on track?
As i can see even after that "safe" 4 week those things would shut you down, my main curiosity is what those idiods put in capsule and called sarms....

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Your liver panel is on track?
I think you would be shut down even if u ran only 4 weeks, as i can see those things was prety dam strong in this direction.
My main curiosity is what those idiots put in capsule and called sarms....
Hi all,

Just for curiosity, what prohormones could be in that capsules and shut you down so hard ?
All prohormones shut you down? Is like tren or deca?
Don t know more about prohormones, never interested because is not a solution for nothing in my opinion but this make me courios, why those pills stoped your body producing own test so hard, because as i read that was very very hard, even only test 400mg/week i don t think can do this damage.

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Yes bro, all toxic prohormones will completely shut you down. They could be anything they throw in there because they are cheap as fuck so they put them in capsules and pass them as sarms because they give results....just with the cost of shutdown, liver toxicity, side effects on libido and possible gyno, and feeling like dog shit

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
any ideea about how can u check if is real sarm or ph? what is noticeable at bloodwork beside liver enzimes and low test ?

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Yup just like Rock said you feel like shit. I ran an epistane cycle ones for a short 4 weeks and the lethargy was crazy, I couldn't concentrate at all. Never felt shittier. I take it back this fake sarm shit was the worse lol.
I will never know whay I took in those pills guys. Just happy I recovered and everything back to normal. I still have one more blood test to make sure things are stable. Then I will run a s4 cycle in a few months just to give my body a break.
any ideea about how can u check if is real sarm or ph? what is noticeable at bloodwork beside liver enzimes and low test ?

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
you will have far lower test levels, likely to have liver, kidney, possible rbc counts all off... sometimes phosphate is off... it could be a number of things but the main ones are liver, kidneys, cholesterol, estrogen increase if its a prohormone that converts to estrogen and obviously, a big drop in testosterone levels...
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