
sarms stack

Hey Dylan for the future if I run a s4 only cycle clomid and gw will do for pct correct. Also back to supplementing with DIM at this moment just to finish normalizing my hormones do you think it's a good idea? Thanks .

heres a good article on DIM for you to read...

yes, here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
I'm seeing on week 9 -12 run s ok me d aspartic acid? If so how many miligrams and reason behind needing to run that please. And could you give me an opinion on the DIM also. Great article by the way
I'm seeing on week 9 -12 run s ok me d aspartic acid? If so how many miligrams and reason behind needing to run that please. And could you give me an opinion on the DIM also. Great article by the way
i have NO opinion on it.. if its working for you , there can be benefits there and thats why i sent you that info... daa is to help with any suppression that may occur, and even though its minimal, you always want to keep it as low as possible... bro, just follow the instructions on the bottle...
My only concern with DIM is that I don't want to cause any damage to my hormones or inbalances, call me paranoid now lol. I understand if you don't want to give me your opinion but do you think it's safe at this point sir.
My only concern with DIM is that I don't want to cause any damage to my hormones or inbalances, call me paranoid now lol. I understand if you don't want to give me your opinion but do you think it's safe at this point sir.
i would no recommend using it personally... its not necessary...
Thank you again. Also thnx for clearing up the d aspartic question earlier, you don't mention that in your video on youtube so I just wanted to clear things up a lil. All the best partner.
Thank you again. Also thnx for clearing up the d aspartic question earlier, you don't mention that in your video on youtube so I just wanted to clear things up a lil. All the best partner.
no problem bro... keep us updated on your results...
Ok Dylan comparing just my test levels from Sept to this year it when from 320.5 to 312.6, I looked up online and it seems low for a person my age(34) even from last year. How can I bring thay up naturally of possible thanks. I'm visiting my Dr Monday I'm seeing these results on an appointment on my phone that I have but want to discuss this with my Dr.
Ok Dylan comparing just my test levels from Sept to this year it when from 320.5 to 312.6, I looked up online and it seems low for a person my age(34) even from last year. How can I bring thay up naturally of possible thanks. I'm visiting my Dr Monday I'm seeing these results on an appointment on my phone that I have but want to discuss this with my Dr.
if its that low nothing natural is going to fix it.. you need to consult with your doctor first and see what he says... your not going to correct that naturally bro... you sound like a trt candidate but see what your doctor says... i dont like your numbers though.. .they are extremely low
I asked one of my nurse friends and she told me that my levels are way too low for my age. Ive made an appointment with an endocrinologist, she also mentioned that it could be the cause for my prostate issuse.
I asked one of my nurse friends and she told me that my levels are way too low for my age. Ive made an appointment with an endocrinologist, she also mentioned that it could be the cause for my prostate issuse.
thats exactly what you need to do... let me know what they come up with
I will, meeting up with my Dr then getting the referral to the endocrinologist. Dude these Drs keep telling me that im in normal range, do you have any advice on what to say to get some traction going. I wouldn't mind going on trt if it's going G to benifet mey health, also what are the side effects of going on trt at least the most common ones thnx.
Thats because these damned med school text book readers, dont know shit. They have just been trained that a range above 300 is just fine. Problem is, what may be ok for one person, isnt for another . It comes down to how you feel.

My bottom line has always been, is as a consumer, if my DR isnt doing what I feel I need, I go elsewhere.
I will, meeting up with my Dr then getting the referral to the endocrinologist. Dude these Drs keep telling me that im in normal range, do you have any advice on what to say to get some traction going. I wouldn't mind going on trt if it's going G to benifet mey health, also what are the side effects of going on trt at least the most common ones thnx.
any side effect related to test can occur but not likely at a trt dose...
Oh ok my appointment with my Dr us Monday @4pm. I'm gonna be persistent to send me to the endo. I actually spoke the the front desk at the endo and they said they would need two morning blood test to determine if indeed my T levels are low, because T levels are at the highest in the AM. I didn't know that but learning more of this unfortunately. I will keep ya updated. Thanks again.
Oh ok my appointment with my Dr us Monday @4pm. I'm gonna be persistent to send me to the endo. I actually spoke the the front desk at the endo and they said they would need two morning blood test to determine if indeed my T levels are low, because T levels are at the highest in the AM. I didn't know that but learning more of this unfortunately. I will keep ya updated. Thanks again.
anytime bro
Hey bro got some good news had my another blood test and my test levels came back 660,aND my libido and pipe are back in order. Looks like the over the counter sarms frim the nutrition store was the issue, who knows what was in that shit. Having another blood test in a week and I'm keeping my appointment with the endocrinologist just to see what he says. Thanks for all the advice Dylan can't thank you enough bro.
Quick question, I'm giving myself a little break but Marc Lobliner is talking about sarms don't come from legit labs and he bashed alot of people, how safe are these sarms frI'm sarmsx? Just being extra cautious because of my previous experience thnx. I'm interested in s4 or osterine but want to make sure that I don't run into prostate or libido issues like the ones I had before thnx brotha.
Quick question, I'm giving myself a little break but Marc Lobliner is talking about sarms don't come from legit labs and he bashed alot of people, how safe are these sarms frI'm sarmsx? Just being extra cautious because of my previous experience thnx. I'm interested in s4 or osterine but want to make sure that I don't run into prostate or libido issues like the ones I had before thnx brotha.
you cannot be serious... the same guy that said he loved cocaine and drugs in that video?? are you really being serious right now... do you REALLY think i would recommend something to hurt you being in the position im in? really??? if you were really that unaware of the clear motive coming from someone panicking from losing business, and someone that admitted they loved hard drugs, then bro, i dont even know what to say...
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