
sarms stack


New member
Hi Dylan need some advice asap please. Ran a cycle of ostarine for 2 months and finished with lgd4033, I ran a natural test booster the whole cycle and into pct because I couldn't get clomid bit did run cardarine with the test booster into pct. I started noticing towards the end of cycle that I would get up alot at night to pee had a prostate exam and it was a little enlarged. Psa levels came back a 3. As a result my libido has crashed and now I can't hold an erection, I'm 34 years old please help bro any advice would help. Thank you hope you had a great holidays.
Bro you are all over the place. You need to lay out all the details.

First your stats.

years lifting

Where did you get your Sarms and were they in liquid or pill form?
The cycle of Sarms and how you ran them.
Dose of each per day and duration.

Then you can get some help.
It's highly likely that your sarms were not sarms and your "pct" was non existent. Where did these "sarms" come from?
Got my sarms from my local nutrition shop, the brand was biotech labs. I ran the osterine 20mg for two months. The lgd I ran for a month at 10mg. They came in pill form, I also ran a test booster alongside my cycle the brand was global formulas biotest. I ended my cycle with carderine and bioforce creatine thay has d aspartic acid in it. I figured this product would raise my test levels to normal. My cycle length was three months long not including the pct. Please help with any advice.
you need to run a full pct.. you NEVER and i mean NEVER buy sarms from a nutrition store man... you ran a prohormone and YOU MUST run a full pct or your going to be in trouble... you should not do things when you dont know what your doing or buying... DO NOT do this in the future... here is a link to purchase the entire pct stack you need followed by the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
Got my sarms from my local nutrition shop, the brand was biotech labs. I ran the osterine 20mg for two months. The lgd I ran for a month at 10mg. They came in pill form, I also ran a test booster alongside my cycle the brand was global formulas biotest. I ended my cycle with carderine and bioforce creatine thay has d aspartic acid in it. I figured this product would raise my test levels to normal. My cycle length was three months long not including the pct. Please help with any advice.

That explains a lot bro. More than likely you had prohormones and not sarms at all, which explains the issues you are having because you are completely shutdown. You don't ever want to go with questionable sources for sarms, especially capsule form. The only source I trust is

You need to run a full pct ASAP to ensure you have a successful recovery and get your libido back and your dick working again

This is what you need to be running

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
please follow what i said bro... your going to be learning a very hard lesson is you do not follow this...
Could I run the gw and clomid Dylan, my sex drive has kindve came back. Money has been tight and I feel pretty stupid to have been reckless with my health. JuSt had blood work done to check my test levels and waiting for results. Thanks for your reply and understanding. My urune values came back normal this time and I'm back in the gym. I want to run pct but don't have cash for entire stack and can only afford the two mentioned. Please reply with mercy lol seriously bro I'm even ashamed to ask for this advice from you. Thanks again bro.
Damn Dylan can't really afford this stack. If you could point me in direction of only two products what would it be ? I was thinking clomid/ nolva. I'm in a bit of a financial situation and want to do something versus nothing. In the future I will only buy from your site sir. Lesson well learned.
Damn Dylan can't really afford this stack. If you could point me in direction of only two products what would it be ? I was thinking clomid/ nolva. I'm in a bit of a financial situation and want to do something versus nothing. In the future I will only buy from your site sir. Lesson well learned.

The whole pct protocol is what is recommended for a reason bro, but it's your call. If you have to choose something obviously Clomid and Nolva are essential here, but just know that you are really half assing it that way and cutting yourself short

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I really appreciate everything Dylan. You don't find peeps like you anymore thay are willing to help. I following up with my Dr about my blood work. Im going to ask him about your recommendations to see what he advices. Just want to make sure I don't fuck myself more if I have done so. I spoke to the gentleman thay sold me the sarms and he swore to me that they are sarms and that he's ran similar cycles but I'm not dismissing hour recommendation at all. Please keep in mind thay my cycle ended 11/25/16 in case that changes anything in pct protocol u you're recommending. Thanks again I'm very appreciated.
You're not the only one. I made the same mistake, but I ended up with horrible muscle pumps. I had muscle cramps on a level I never knew existed. I am now into the second week of the premium PCT Dylan suggested (borrow the money if you have to). The cramps are gone completely, but I feel sluggish and doubt my test is up at all. Hoping by week three of four my body will be back to basic level, then will get blood work to see where I'm at. Whatever it was I took from the supplement store (pill form of RAD-140 and Halodrol) did give me some results in both strength and a bit of size, but man it fucked me up something fierce. I will never buy a SARM from anyone but SarmsX again.
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I really appreciate everything Dylan. You don't find peeps like you anymore thay are willing to help. I following up with my Dr about my blood work. Im going to ask him about your recommendations to see what he advices. Just want to make sure I don't fuck myself more if I have done so. I spoke to the gentleman thay sold me the sarms and he swore to me that they are sarms and that he's ran similar cycles but I'm not dismissing hour recommendation at all. Please keep in mind thay my cycle ended 11/25/16 in case that changes anything in pct protocol u you're recommending. Thanks again I'm very appreciated.

Dont listen to Dr's they dont know shit about this stuff. Trust me, I work with them everyday at the hospital.

You been given the best suggestions you will ever get, but right now you are seriously shutdown, and half assing a pct, will get you a half assed recovery.

But yes, nolva and clomid are a requirement, if you can manage, add gw.

If you had current bloods, better advice could be given as to needing aromasin.
I really appreciate everything Dylan. You don't find peeps like you anymore thay are willing to help. I following up with my Dr about my blood work. Im going to ask him about your recommendations to see what he advices. Just want to make sure I don't fuck myself more if I have done so. I spoke to the gentleman thay sold me the sarms and he swore to me that they are sarms and that he's ran similar cycles but I'm not dismissing hour recommendation at all. Please keep in mind thay my cycle ended 11/25/16 in case that changes anything in pct protocol u you're recommending. Thanks again I'm very appreciated.
Just so you know, doctors are not versed or educated on proper post cycle recovery

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Ok fellas so tje sex drive and dick are back in order. I got my labs back and all normal also, one of my friends suggested thay I supplement with DIM at this point just to get the hormones back in chec, what are yall thought on that. He said that too much time has passed already and that it sounded like my suprresion could have been minimum. He also took a shit on me and told me exactly what Dylan said, not to fuck around until I did all my homework next time as far as my source and getting all the cycle together including pct. Thank you all for your support I'm very appreciated to have you all as mentors/advisors.
Thank you just hope there is no long term sides in the future but I'm trying to stay positive. Lesson learned.
as long as the lesson is learned and you realize you should ask before you act then your good bro... please, in the future, just come to me with questions so this can be avoided...
Hey Dylan for the future if I run a s4 only cycle clomid and gw will do for pct correct. Also back to supplementing with DIM at this moment just to finish normalizing my hormones do you think it's a good idea? Thanks .
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