Hey guys just looking for some input on the next Sarm cycle I have coming up. First cycle was LGD S4 and Cardarine and I was amazed at the results. Strength gains were through the roof and put on a good amount of lean muscle while shredding even more fat. Only issue I had was the S4 sides and my vision was horrible. I could be wrong but I feel like my vision is not quite what it used to be before taking the S4 so I have decided not to use it in the future. Everyone else I've ever heard from says their vision is 100% after discontinuing but hey maybe I'm 1 in a million or just paranoid. Either way I think I will stay away from S4.
So I have decided on LGD, MK2866 and Cardarine. I believe i may have ordered too soon and maybe should have substituted the MK2866 for something else because I feel like maybe the LGD and MK are too similar. At the time my wallet will not allow me to order something else so I'm sticking with this stack.
I have heard that MK2866 can be used during PCT. So my questions are:
-Do these sarms work well together and should I take the stack as/is?
-Do I leave out the MK and just take the LGD and Cardarine, saving the MK for a future cycle.
-Can I take the LGD and Cardarine all 12 weeks and then save the MK for PCT? Possibly even starting the MK around week 5 just so I have can continue it through PCT?
By the way, all dosages I am using are the standard I have seen posted all over the forums.
Thanks for any input guys.
So I have decided on LGD, MK2866 and Cardarine. I believe i may have ordered too soon and maybe should have substituted the MK2866 for something else because I feel like maybe the LGD and MK are too similar. At the time my wallet will not allow me to order something else so I'm sticking with this stack.
I have heard that MK2866 can be used during PCT. So my questions are:
-Do these sarms work well together and should I take the stack as/is?
-Do I leave out the MK and just take the LGD and Cardarine, saving the MK for a future cycle.
-Can I take the LGD and Cardarine all 12 weeks and then save the MK for PCT? Possibly even starting the MK around week 5 just so I have can continue it through PCT?
By the way, all dosages I am using are the standard I have seen posted all over the forums.
Thanks for any input guys.