
SARMS Question for bulking and cutting


New member
Hey Dylan,

I watch your videos all of the time, they are very informational and I trust what you say more than anyone else on youtube. I recently watched your "best SARM duo combinations" and I have a few questions that I still need an answer to. I am 21 so steroids are not an option for me. I am 6'0 190 with probably around 9 to 10 percent body fat. I am looking to bulk to 220 and then cut down to 210 of pure muscle for a great aesthetic look. I would really be happy if I could get this in a few months but I know that might not be possible. You said that the best SARMS overall was S-4 and LGD-4033. I have a question about that. With my height, weight, and age, would it be better for me to use a bulking SARM combination and then a cutting SARM combination, or would I see the best results from S-4 and LGD-4033? Would it be better to just take as many SARMS as possible for the best results? Also, what other stuff should I take with SARMS, even though I know that they have little to no side effects? Thanks Dylan I appreciate your feedback and video info.
i would go with the lgd and s4 combo myself... thats definitely the best way to go... here is the layout....

1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
I completely agree with Dylan on Lgd and s4 being the best combo to run for you. Follow the protocol exactly as it's laid out
what do those numbers before each one (1-12 for lgd-4033 for example) and the numbers after the mini pct mean? Also what is clomid and those numbers after mean, and what is gw50156? Sorry this is going to be my first time taking anything like this and I don't wanna fuck myself up.
Weeks man...

Clomid is 50 mg per day the first week then drop to 25 mg per day the next three weeks...

Not to be a dick but take five seconds of your time to look at my videos on gw man

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Hey man this is kind of unrelated but how long do you work out for usually? I've been doing Arnold Schwarzenegger's workout plan (about 2 hours every day) for about a month now and seen some results. A channel on youtube told me however that working out for more than 40 min is bad for muscle growth? Is this bs? And also, when I get my SARMS does working out longer mean more gains?
The arnold workout focuses on two different muscle groups though, thats why it's 2 hours long btw
working out longer doesnt mean jack shit... if it takes you two hours to just lift, thats not counting cardio, then you are not working out very hard... i do 9.5 miles per day running and that takes me an hour and a half but i get my lifting done in about 45-50 minutes...
Dylan, this might be a dumb question, but I want to do the 12 week option and for everything. How many bottles of each would I need for each to do this? And can you give me the links to everything you told me to get? Sorry if I'm sounding like a noobie, but I am.
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