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Sarms on a caloric deficit/maintenance


New member

I'm considering running MK-2866 on a 300 calorie deficit or at maintenance. Ive been training for 3 years and it's all been a cut as I started out at 210lbs with 23% body fat and im now at 185lbs and around 15-17% body fat. In year 2 I've not noticed a single thing. I was sloppy at the gym, not doing much overload. This year I've been pushing my lifts with 5x5 as I think I've hit a cutting plateau.

My lower back is still covered with stubborn fat to a level where I dont feel comfortable bulking. I've been cutting for 3 years and feel like I'm stuck in this limbo of not building muscle or losing fat even though my lifts are going up. I also have to admit I'm a bit paranoid of bulking as I've had a lot of crap in my life due to my weight (the usual bullied fat kid scenario) so a bit afraid of bulking given how easy I put on fat.

Not seen many posts with regards to running MK-2866 on maintenance calories. Can I expect to gain muscle without fat? Or even perhaps lose fat at the same time? This will be my first ever performance enhancing drug cycle so hoping for it to be effective over 10 weeks or so.

If I have to bulk without SARMs I will do it and cut on Ostarine but if I can build some muscle without gaining fat on maintenance, that would be ideal.

To give you an idea of my gym experience here are my compound lifts (in 5 rep style as I havent yet done a 1RM):
Bench press: 5x 187lbs
Deadlift: 5x 286lbs
Squat: 5x 209 lbs

What do you guys think? Grow some balls and go for a 6 month natty lean bulk and cut on Ostarine after? Or does anyone know how effective Ostarine is on maintenance with a 5x5 training style?
Bulking at 15-17% bodyfat makes no sense at all. Id work on getting into better shape myself. How does your diet look, with total calories and specific macros etc? That is likely the main thing that needs fixed.

As for your sarms, you are better off going with a stack for your goals

1-12 mk2866 25mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 GW 20mg per day dosed 30 minutes pre workout
1-12 S4 50mg per day split 25mg am and 25mg 4-6 hours later

9-12 Post CT


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
The body fat is an estimate (got a pair of calipers on the way from amazon so will update if it's different) but lets just say I need very generous lighting to see an outline of my abs after core day!

I do agree though which is why I'm worried about going on a bulk. What do you think about more of a body recomp diet? I was thinking push/pull/leg/break and repeat, 200 calorie surplus on gym days and 300 calorie deficit on rest days? I was told Ostarine shines in this scenario. Maybe throw in some HIRT/HIIT workouts 3x a week at the end of the workouts.

My diet is 50% protein, 25% carb and 25% fats at around 2100 calories which is roughly 300 below my maintenance. I have been on a 1900-2000 calorie up until now but I've started lifting heavy so upped it slightly as I really want to up my compound moves.

As this is my first and probably the last cycle I would prefer to stick to a single SARM. See how my body reacts to it and if I really see unimpressive results I will consider a stack.
The body fat is an estimate (got a pair of calipers on the way from amazon so will update if it's different) but lets just say I need very generous lighting to see an outline of my abs after core day!

I do agree though which is why I'm worried about going on a bulk. What do you think about more of a body recomp diet? I was thinking push/pull/leg/break and repeat, 200 calorie surplus on gym days and 300 calorie deficit on rest days? I was told Ostarine shines in this scenario. Maybe throw in some HIRT/HIIT workouts 3x a week at the end of the workouts.

My diet is 50% protein, 25% carb and 25% fats at around 2100 calories which is roughly 300 below my maintenance. I have been on a 1900-2000 calorie up until now but I've started lifting heavy so upped it slightly as I really want to up my compound moves.

As this is my first and probably the last cycle I would prefer to stick to a single SARM. See how my body reacts to it and if I really see unimpressive results I will consider a stack.
Its ultimateky up to you what you decide. It comes down to the body you want and What goals you have. You just have to be realistic on expectations. Trying to recomp with a single sarm obviously isn't going to yield the results of say running a cutting stack in a continuous defecit.
by your description of yourself, your body fat is right where you think it is at 15-17% and once again, makes no difference to bulk at that body fat and as rick pointed out, recomping with just one sarm is only go yield so much for you... thats all up to you but you have to be a lot more realistic with expectations by how you are approaching doing this...
SzymonS92, been there, done that.

I've always been overweight but I do care about lifting heavy weights and paranoid about catabolism. Forget about it you can't achieve every goal at once. That's what I am going to do. Focus on fat loss and be strict about it. You have not been strict enough if you have been cutting for 3 years and still don't have visible abs. Later on you can focus on a new bulk period.

About cardio, IMHO you don't need any fancy protocol. Just pick your favorite workout and burn that fat!! I particularly love the elliptical bike. Prior to it, I do some leg press or rear kicks for glutes in a machine, this pre-fatigues my metabolism and then I reach 150bpm in the elliptical even at a slow pace. Many bodybuilders choose to do circuits (single set per exercise, multiple rounds) with short resting periods (if any) between exercises. It is up to you man, just up your calorie burning and forget about intensity (total weights) this is not important during a cut.

Back to SARMS, get a combo that focuses on fat loss and thats it. Forget about muscle building at this moment, you will look amazing once the fat is gone.

Polyphenols are good too
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Yeah true. I decided to stack ostarine and gw. I was initially concerned about the cancer rat study but I read that the rats were injected with cancer cells and dosed at 10mg per kg of gw which increased cancer growth. That dosing is ridiculous and someone compared it to an equivelent of a human taking 13000mh of aspirin which would kill you haha.

Going to stick to 10mg of both for week 1 and 20mg for the rest of the cycle. Lower kt to 10 in the last 2 weeks to start returning to normal.

In terms of diet i will stick to 200cal above on gym days and 400 below on off days. Hopefully combined with gw that will give some nice fat loss.

Workout will be push/pull/leg rest and repeat. Given that i only have one rest day a week it would imply that only for that day ill be in a deficit. Is it worth sticking to maintenance on gym days instead of 200 surplus? My main goal is fat loss but would be nice to put on maybe 5-10 lbs of muscle. Being ridiculous?
Yeah true. I decided to stack ostarine and gw. I was initially concerned about the cancer rat study but I read that the rats were injected with cancer cells and dosed at 10mg per kg of gw which increased cancer growth. That dosing is ridiculous and someone compared it to an equivelent of a human taking 13000mh of aspirin which would kill you haha.

Going to stick to 10mg of both for week 1 and 20mg for the rest of the cycle. Lower kt to 10 in the last 2 weeks to start returning to normal.

In terms of diet i will stick to 200cal above on gym days and 400 below on off days. Hopefully combined with gw that will give some nice fat loss.

Workout will be push/pull/leg rest and repeat. Given that i only have one rest day a week it would imply that only for that day ill be in a deficit. Is it worth sticking to maintenance on gym days instead of 200 surplus? My main goal is fat loss but would be nice to put on maybe 5-10 lbs of muscle. Being ridiculous?
Like I said bro, dont expect much for fat loss if at all when you spend most of your week in a surplus. It's calories in versus calories out no matter how you look at it
Fair enough. Was hoping the GW would aid in fat loss even on a surplus. I think ill just stick to maintenance and deficit on off days for the first two weeks. See results and if there isnt much in terms of fat loss i will cut down on calories throughout the cycle
Yeah true. I decided to stack ostarine and gw. I was initially concerned about the cancer rat study but I read that the rats were injected with cancer cells and dosed at 10mg per kg of gw which increased cancer growth. That dosing is ridiculous and someone compared it to an equivelent of a human taking 13000mh of aspirin which would kill you haha.

Going to stick to 10mg of both for week 1 and 20mg for the rest of the cycle. Lower kt to 10 in the last 2 weeks to start returning to normal.

In terms of diet i will stick to 200cal above on gym days and 400 below on off days. Hopefully combined with gw that will give some nice fat loss.

Workout will be push/pull/leg rest and repeat. Given that i only have one rest day a week it would imply that only for that day ill be in a deficit. Is it worth sticking to maintenance on gym days instead of 200 surplus? My main goal is fat loss but would be nice to put on maybe 5-10 lbs of muscle. Being ridiculous?

You are not being seriuos about your diet, then after your SARMS cycle will blame on SARMS being fake or whatever lol. Like that dude who thinks LGD is gonna double his muscle mass without training hard in the gym. LMAO....

SARMS can enhance your results, but are not magic.
I've been having the same issues for a while now. I saw fat loss results initially but then plateaued. So now I'm switching to a keto diet. Going to give that a try for a while.
you are not going to lose weight in a surplus at all... i dont care what you are using... you cant have expectations that are completely unreasonable ... thats fantasy land man...
Fair enough. Was hoping the GW would aid in fat loss even on a surplus. I think ill just stick to maintenance and deficit on off days for the first two weeks. See results and if there isnt much in terms of fat loss i will cut down on calories throughout the cycle
Dude, those are fat loss aids. That's it. It doesn't matter wgat you still have to diet for the body you want. If it was as easy as taking something to lose fat everyone would be doing it
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