
SARMs Mid-Cycle Blood Work


What up bros. Just got SARMs mid-cycle bloodwork done, and I’d love some feedback comparing it to my pre-cycle bloodwork, thanks. I got the work done at different labs.

Pre-Cycle Blood Work (March 2018):

Total Test: 751 (240-871)
LH: 5.4 (0.6-12.1)
Estradiol: 18.2 (10-42)

Current cycle :

CARDARINE - 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
TESTOLONE - 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
ANDARINE - 50 mg day... split doses…
mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

Mid-Cycle Blood work (August 2018):

Test: 179 (241 - 827)
Est: 21 (0-40)
LH: 2.05 (1.5-9.3)
FSH: 4.7 (1.4-18.1)

*I also was low on MCHC 32.1 (33.4-35.3), and high on RDW 17.1 (12.5-15.3), Monocytes 11.2
(4-11) and Basos 1.2 (0-1).

Thanks for any help interpreting this.
Mate your total test has really bottomed out . I'm almost certain you aint got legit sarms . Yes you will have some suppression with RAD and S4 but to that degree and only 6 weeks in it sounds very suss like pro hormones or something......Ill let Dylan and Rick chime in to see what they recommend .
Thanks, pretty sure they are real tho. It's actually more like week 8, it was a little later than mid-cycle when I tested. About to start DGA soon..
You're lower than most would be, but not shutdown either at least. Recovery still wouldn't be that bad just being low. Its when you're shutdown and LH/FSH are at or near zero that it requires a full pct and a longer recovery. Total test is not as big of a deal as LH/FSH. That shows your HPTA is still functioning properly and producing test as opposed to jumpstarting it again
I agree with RickRock and at least FSH/LH are still working. They are responsible for the production of Test. Are you taking anything else? More importantly, where did you get your SARMS? If they aren’t from some of the approved sources, then it’s likely they have proharmones - so would be good to share for the benefit (and safety) of other forum members. Just do the mini-PCT as prescribed by Dylan or RickRock and you will recover.
Thanks beastmode45. Yes, I got my SARMS from an approved source on this site. Good to hear, I will continue as planned. I'm just a couple days away from starting the DGA, then will follow through with the clomid and Cardarine mini-pct. I'm not taking anything else except I just bought 6 months worth of Mk-677 (plan to run for a year) and began taking 25mg/day about 3 weeks ago.
Thanks beastmode45. Yes, I got my SARMS from an approved source on this site. Good to hear, I will continue as planned. I'm just a couple days away from starting the DGA, then will follow through with the clomid and Cardarine mini-pct. I'm not taking anything else except I just bought 6 months worth of Mk-677 (plan to run for a year) and began taking 25mg/day about 3 weeks ago.

Good to hear. I had some mild suppression from MK, but if you follow the PCT you should rebound nicely. Then restart.

My iron is low also but my RBC and hematocrit is high. My doctor was scratching his head. For a while I thought it was because I was donating blood too often and now my hematocrit is high. I'm going to start donating again.
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