
SARMS help

Okay so nothing needs to be ran with the 12 week cycle like an AI or anything to combat suppression sides on cycle?
Okay so nothing needs to be ran with the 12 week cycle like an AI or anything to combat suppression sides on cycle?

no, but i will tell you with the 677 watch your sodium intake and up your potassium intake to about 4700 mgs a day otherwise you may have some water retention. google potassium rich foods you mainly want the potassium from food sources not pills or supplements.
Ok so clomid 25mg a day for 4 weeks is not good enough in your opinion and I will keep that in mind thanks
Just for peace of mind and extra support you could run CEL cycle support……or 5% nutritions liver and organ defender and some tuduca
when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…

you can run whateover you want but if you want to not waste what you have done, then you run a proper pct
And your guarantee is the mini pct that is offered by sarmsx is all I need to make a full safe recovery?
And your guarantee is the mini pct that is offered by sarmsx is all I need to make a full safe recovery?
bro, its kind of insulting for you to question that as big as i am on safety... yes, it is going to provide you with the proper recovery
You may feel it to be insulting but look at it from my end everyone says different shit I just wanna get it right the first time so my next cycles can be the same and to prevent any negative sides, people say that they get suppression during their lgd cycle and some say they don't also you have many different pct cycles on so I just want to make sure mini pct is fine the was I see it if I wasn't careful and cautious I'd be stupid sorry
You may feel it to be insulting but look at it from my end everyone says different shit I just wanna get it right the first time so my next cycles can be the same and to prevent any negative sides, people say that they get suppression during their lgd cycle and some say they don't also you have many different pct cycles on so I just want to make sure mini pct is fine the was I see it if I wasn't careful and cautious I'd be stupid sorry
i wouldnt recommend it if it was not proper... i get shit daily for being too cautious man... i would NEVER put you in harms way! period...
Ok thanks no offense I just see a lot of people trashing your rep to be 100% straight up with you. Also are there any promos or anything running on sarmsx that can land me 6 bottles or lgd, 6 bottles of mk677, 2 bottles of gw and one bottle of clomid? Thanks
Ok thanks no offense I just see a lot of people trashing your rep to be 100% straight up with you. Also are there any promos or anything running on sarmsx that can land me 6 bottles or lgd, 6 bottles of mk677, 2 bottles of gw and one bottle of clomid? Thanks
competitors do that or people that dont like the way i just tell it straight and thats fine... im not changing for anyone... i give it all straight, whether its what you want to hear or not but if i did not do that, i would be doing everyone an injustice...

here is the discount page bro...
Sorry I am asking so many questions I just saw that you recommend this cycle to someone running a lgd cycle just confused why I was told different

clomid 25/25/25/25
gw 20 mg day
mk2866 25 mg day
Ok and out of all your pcts mini pct will work just fine with the cycle I proposed
i cant make this any easier for you and this is the last time i can do it... THIS is the mini pct... you can use EITHER CLOMID OR NOLVADEX... I CANNOT make it any easier for you... period...

if you saw 2866 added its because the person asked if it could be used, which it can but its not mandatory

Mini pct

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
The Clomid and gw mini pct is the sane one we always recommend after a sarms cycle bro
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