
SARMS help


New member

I am a huge fan and subscriber. I have seen every single video on your channel and have been anxious to finally start a SARM stack. I am 6' 4" and 206 lbs. I am currently on my first cycle of anything and I am taking Mk-677. I am hoping to gain some good, lean muscle from this. After I am done with this cycle and I am really trying to cut a lot of fat and gain some good shredded, cut, and large muscle. I still want more size, but I dont want to bulk. I want cut looking muscle without completely losing any size. Is there any SARM or stack that you can recommend for me to accomplish this? Again, I am looking to cut fat and gain good, cut, large muscle. Thanks!

I am a huge fan and subscriber. I have seen every single video on your channel and have been anxious to finally start a SARM stack. I am 6' 4" and 206 lbs. I am currently on my first cycle of anything and I am taking Mk-677. I am hoping to gain some good, lean muscle from this. After I am done with this cycle and I am really trying to cut a lot of fat and gain some good shredded, cut, and large muscle. I still want more size, but I dont want to bulk. I want cut looking muscle without completely losing any size. Is there any SARM or stack that you can recommend for me to accomplish this? Again, I am looking to cut fat and gain good, cut, large muscle. Thanks!
absolutely i can help bro but are you aware that 677 needs to be ran for a year continuously without cycling off? are you also aware that it is faked EVERYWHERE due to the extremely high cost or production? where did you get your sarms bro? if you dont have quality then its not even worth discussing... i can help you with everything, including quality but i need to know where you got this first...
There is a local health store near me that sells the pills. They clearly say MK-677 on the bottle and they also have plenty of other SARMS in pills. The guys at the store seem to really know their stuff about SARMs so i trust them to work. It is not a sketchy place at all. I didnt know that I had to run 677 for a year...they only sell 4-week cycles in the pills. I need a stack that will work fast, cheap, and will burn fat and add good muscle size. Please help
good luck with that... you are going to learn a hard lesson... you cannot buy sarms at a supplement shop... you will learn though... when you try to go cheap, you get what you pay for... you are not buying sarms especially not 677... 677 is far from cheap if its real... 4 weeks of 677??? LOL bro you nor they do not know what they are talking about... I THINK i do since ive been a source of information on sarms before they were even mainstream
They were $80 and I have heard good things from people that have taken it from them. Ok so what would you recommend for me to quickly cut fat and gain good cut muscle/size?
They were $80 and I have heard good things from people that have taken it from them. Ok so what would you recommend for me to quickly cut fat and gain good cut muscle/size?

80 for 677 lolll ok bro... try them out but you best get bloodwork and have a full pct
I want to gain about 15-20 pounds of muscle, while also leaning out and staying cut. What should I do?
I want to gain about 15-20 pounds of muscle, while also leaning out and staying cut. What should I do?
20 lbs on steroids is even a stretch.. i can give you a sarms stack that would likely get you 12-13 lbs. that is all keepable and clean with little to no side effects but you have to be realistic here man... here are the links for everything you need to purchase followed by the layout...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Week 1-12: LGD-4033 10mg per day dosed once per day in the AM

Week 1-12: MK-677 25mg per day dosed once per day pre-bed

Week 1-12: 1 Pill Arimi-RX PCT dosed once per day in the AM

(Mini-PCT) Week 13-16: 3 Pill Arimi-RX PCT dosed once per day in the AM along with hc generate and DAA per day.

Could anyone comment on this cycle this is what I have planned I am just wondering if it looks OK thanks
Week 1-12: LGD-4033 10mg per day dosed once per day in the AM

Week 1-12: MK-677 25mg per day dosed once per day pre-bed

Week 1-12: 1 Pill Arimi-RX PCT dosed once per day in the AM

(Mini-PCT) Week 13-16: 3 Pill Arimi-RX PCT dosed once per day in the AM along with hc generate and DAA per day.

Could anyone comment on this cycle this is what I have planned I am just wondering if it looks OK thanks
your pct is a flat out joke... i mean a joke... hcgnerate is garbage and arimi rx is NOT a pct and will do NOTHING for recovery... where are you coming up with this bro? its quite concerning... where did you get your sarms? 677 is faked everywhere so you know... it
This is why I asked you. I plan on doing 12 weeks of lgd4033 and mk677 but just not sure as to what pct or on Oct I should use I'm not rich but I want to play it safe considering I'm 23 yrs old and have been lifting naturally for 3 years and have hit a hard platue thanks
This is why I asked you. I plan on doing 12 weeks of lgd4033 and mk677 but just not sure as to what pct or on Oct I should use I'm not rich but I want to play it safe considering I'm 23 yrs old and have been lifting naturally for 3 years and have hit a hard platue thanks

if you are on a budget then stick to eating and protein not sarms from the supplement shop, they are most likely fakes, oh do guys you know get results from them hell yes cuz they are prolly prohormones, you cannot be on a fixed budget and run sarms or gear unless you save up for a while then get a stack. you need to change your workout if you have plateaued, and 3 years isn't nearly long enuff for you to just stop gaining in the gym. if you don't get your sarms from there really is no way to help you with your questions, we don't know what is in the "sarms" you are going to buy or have. we can only comment on sarmsx, use the search bar and look around and read threads of people that bought sarms on ebay and i could go on that ended up with gyno all kinds of other probs like erectile dysfunction milky tits. does that sound interesting to you? didn't think so, slow down do some research and read some threads on here of good and bad stories.
I planned on getting them from sarmsx or sarms1 I ment as in not rich meaning I don't want to buy shit that is not necessarily needed to pct properly all in all I I just needed proper advice on pct and on cycle therapy for 12 weeks or mk677 and lgd4033
I planned on getting them from sarmsx or sarms1 I ment as in not rich meaning I don't want to buy shit that is not necessarily needed to pct properly all in all I I just needed proper advice on pct and on cycle therapy for 12 weeks or mk677 and lgd4033

sarmsx is your best bet sarms1 is questionable.
So I won't feel suppression on cycle? And could I run clomid at 25mg a week for 4 weeks as a pct
So I won't feel suppression on cycle? And could I run clomid at 25mg a week for 4 weeks as a pct
Trust me you only want to get your sarms from

Your DO NOT want to use sarms1. The product quality is very poor there.

As for pct, it needs to be this

GW 20mg per day
Clomid 50/25/25/25
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