
Sarms following steroid cycle

My cycle was in the original post of this thread. And I pinned my last injection yesterday. I'm having trouble getting in touch with Justin. He emailed me this morning incoming me the mk2866 was out of stock and asked if i wanted to replace it but I haven't gotten any response from him since then.

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My cycle was in the original post of this thread. And I pinned my last injection yesterday. I'm having trouble getting in touch with Justin. He emailed me this morning incoming me the mk2866 was out of stock and asked if i wanted to replace it but I haven't gotten any response from him since then.

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Ok, we'll for future reference you should ALWAYS have everything on hand ahead of time before ever starting a cycle

Also you need to wait two weeks after,last injection to let esters clear before starting pct

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Ok awesome thanks man I appreciate it. Now if I can just get a hold of Justin to find out what they're gonna do about the stack I ordered and when ostarine will be back in stock.

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Ok awesome thanks man I appreciate it. Now if I can just get a hold of Justin to find out what they're gonna do about the stack I ordered and when ostarine will be back in stock.

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I'm sure he will get back to you as soon as he can bro
I'm sure he will get back to you as soon as he can bro

So my PCT came in today. I'm gonna start it early next week. Would you mind telling me how to take this stuff. Do I take it at a certain time? On an empty stomach? Mix it in water or drop it straight on my tongue? Sorry I just really don't know and y'all have been a great help with every question ive had so far.

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So my PCT came in today. I'm gonna start it early next week. Would you mind telling me how to take this stuff. Do I take it at a certain time? On an empty stomach? Mix it in water or drop it straight on my tongue? Sorry I just really don't know and y'all have been a great help with every question ive had so far.

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make sure to check your spam for emails from justin as well and if not, send him another email... if no reply, let me know

none of these are to ever be mixed with water or put on your tongue man... you take them straight down... shake well before use and you can use a chaser with them if needed, preferably grapefruit juice for max absorption... it makes no difference with or without food... mk2866 and GW501516 are dosed as follows...

mk is dosed once a day in the a.m.

gw is dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to your workout and on non workout days, all at once in the a.m.

clomid, nolva and aromasin do not matter although i prefer before bed with these...
make sure to check your spam for emails from justin as well and if not, send him another email... if no reply, let me know

none of these are to ever be mixed with water or put on your tongue man... you take them straight down... shake well before use and you can use a chaser with them if needed, preferably grapefruit juice for max absorption... it makes no difference with or without food... mk2866 and GW501516 are dosed as follows...

mk is dosed once a day in the a.m.

gw is dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to your workout and on non workout days, all at once in the a.m.

clomid, nolva and aromasin do not matter although i prefer before bed with these...

Thanks bud I appreciate it.

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Hey guys I've got another question. I've just finished the post cycle y'all recommended. I wondering if I can continue running the cardarine and ostarine? If so, at what dosage and for how long can I run it?

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Hey guys I've got another question. I've just finished the post cycle y'all recommended. I wondering if I can continue running the cardarine and ostarine? If so, at what dosage and for how long can I run it?

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How long have you been on them? You can run ostarine up to 12 weeks without a break and gw up to 16 weeks without a break

Dosage is 25mg per day ostarine and 20mg per day GW

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
How long have you been on them? You can run ostarine up to 12 weeks without a break and gw up to 16 weeks without a break

Dosage is 25mg per day ostarine and 20mg per day GW

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

I ran a 15 week sustanon and deca cycle. Then the platinum PCT. so that's four weeks on them therefore I can run ostarine another 8 weeks and GW another 12 correct?

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I ran a 15 week sustanon and deca cycle. Then the platinum PCT. so that's four weeks on them therefore I can run ostarine another 8 weeks and GW another 12 correct?

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Yes that's correct bro. You are fine to do that

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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