
Sarms and over the counter supplements ONLY for cycles, pct, and bridge. Possible?


New member
Hey guys I'm rephrasing a question I had earlier. Starting a new thread. So I'm wondering if I can use sarms and over the counter supplements only for cycles, pct, and bridge. Is it possible ?!

New to this site. Thanks
Hey guys I'm rephrasing a question I had earlier. Starting a new thread. So I'm wondering if I can use sarms and over the counter supplements only for cycles, pct, and bridge. Is it possible ?!

New to this site. Thanks

Well, you want to use legit sarms for starters. Don't ever use OTC pill form sarms. Most of those are bunk or actually prohormones . Liquid sarms from sarmsx is what I recommend to insure you have legit top quality. Then you want a proper pct which is Clomid and GW. None of those things including the sarms are things you can get over the counter
Thanks! So for example can I buy legit sarms and do a cycle of lgd and then a pct of gw and mk and then go right back on the lgd and so on? Is that ok ? That's a simple example I am aware that there are other sarms out there that I'm not too familiar with.
Thanks! So for example can I buy legit sarms and do a cycle of lgd and then a pct of gw and mk and then go right back on the lgd and so on? Is that ok ? That's a simple example I am aware that there are other sarms out there that I'm not too familiar with.

You need to have a break, 4-6 weeks after your sarms cycle. The clock starts after your last day of PCT.

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Can gw and mk be used for 4-6 weeks as a pct and would that constitute a "break" since they aren't both surpressive at moderate doses ?
you need to run 12 week cycles, with a 4 week mini pct then take 3-4 weeks off and start again unless you are using mk677 which you would not come off... you need clomid in your pct HOWEVER there is a new pct product that will be releasing within the next week that will likely be able to be used in a sarms pct... i will be announcing the release as soon as it comes out
Dylan just to be clear. I know you said sarms should be taken for 12 weeks then pct then break. Can I take lgd for 12 weeks and then run gw and or mk2866(low dose) for 4-6 weeks as a pct(w clomid) ?
Dylan just to be clear. I know you said sarms should be taken for 12 weeks then pct then break. Can I take lgd for 12 weeks and then run gw and or mk2866(low dose) for 4-6 weeks as a pct(w clomid) ?
Yes you can bro. That is perfectly fine
Dylan just to be clear. I know you said sarms should be taken for 12 weeks then pct then break. Can I take lgd for 12 weeks and then run gw and or mk2866(low dose) for 4-6 weeks as a pct(w clomid) ?
yes, absolutely you can
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