
SARMS and hypoglycemia?

Hey Dylan or RickRock, while I know its considered bad form to change in the middle of the cycle(well, only 2 weeks in), but I was debating adding either LGD or Rad140 for the rest of my 10 weeks to get some more bulk. If I add rad, then drop the clomid/nolva and save it for PCT. This was originally a cut (which I need, but I need strength and muscle mass more). Then cut for next cycle. (BTW, I carry a higher BF ratio with my diving in cold cold waters)

i would highly recommend adding it and dropping the other 2... thats not general protocol but i like the plan because i see and understand the reasoning and in this circumstance it makes sense... run it 20-30 mg per day...
gonna order some LGD to go along with, or is that overkill? Winds up being a big combo of SARMS.
Well I say that because it increases glucose uptake. I'm assuming it can effect certain people that way if given the right environment and circumstance. I've never had it happen myself but ya never know. Probably more likely the mk677 though.

It enhances NUTRIENT uptake, which does include glycogen, but that does not reduce blood glucose actually helps support it by shuttling glycogen into the bloodstream and into the muscles

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hey Dylan or RickRock, while I know its considered bad form to change in the middle of the cycle(well, only 2 weeks in), but I was debating adding either LGD or Rad140 for the rest of my 10 weeks to get some more bulk. If I add rad, then drop the clomid/nolva and save it for PCT. This was originally a cut (which I need, but I need strength and muscle mass more). Then cut for next cycle. (BTW, I carry a higher BF ratio with my diving in cold cold waters)

Yes you can absolutely add either in, and better yet add both if you are really looking for some size and strength. That is not overkill at all, and will produce some incredible gains for you

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
gonna order some LGD to go along with, or is that overkill? Winds up being a big combo of SARMS.

Defnitely NOT overkill! Go for it, and enjoy!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
gonna order some LGD to go along with, or is that overkill? Winds up being a big combo of SARMS.

when it comes to sarms, adding in other sarms is not overkill whatsoever... its not like when you run anabolics and start adding in things here and there... your completely fine and not only that, those are the highly effective types of cycles to run regardless...
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