Hello everyone,
I've started my first SARMs cycle 30 days ago and went with PharmaLady. Firstly I want to thank everyone who helped me with advice and reps who helped with my order. I am currently running LGD and RAD (10mg/20mg) and already gained 6kg of muscle with cyclical keto diet. I am so happy with the results that I am already planning my cutting stack for this summer. Therefore, I'd like to ask you guys what would be a great stack of sarms for cutting? I am sitting around 15% body fat and I don't think it will increase much further. I am looking to preserve as much muscle as possible and decrease my body fat %. I am looking for a maximum of 2 sarms stack. Also, for how long should I stay away from SARMs once my pct is done `til next cycle?
I've started my first SARMs cycle 30 days ago and went with PharmaLady. Firstly I want to thank everyone who helped me with advice and reps who helped with my order. I am currently running LGD and RAD (10mg/20mg) and already gained 6kg of muscle with cyclical keto diet. I am so happy with the results that I am already planning my cutting stack for this summer. Therefore, I'd like to ask you guys what would be a great stack of sarms for cutting? I am sitting around 15% body fat and I don't think it will increase much further. I am looking to preserve as much muscle as possible and decrease my body fat %. I am looking for a maximum of 2 sarms stack. Also, for how long should I stay away from SARMs once my pct is done `til next cycle?