I did a cycle that I asked for a suggestion from you guys a while back. It was lgd-4033 rad-140 and cardarine for 12 weeks and then pct nolvadex and cardarine for 4 weeks and it was an excellent cycle. I am now couple months off the cycle and want to start a new cycle for winter. I’m 250lbs at 12% body fat. Diet, sleep, and recovery is good. What can you guys suggest for another bulking cycle to get as big as possible.
Thank you, Karim
I did a cycle that I asked for a suggestion from you guys a while back. It was lgd-4033 rad-140 and cardarine for 12 weeks and then pct nolvadex and cardarine for 4 weeks and it was an excellent cycle. I am now couple months off the cycle and want to start a new cycle for winter. I’m 250lbs at 12% body fat. Diet, sleep, and recovery is good. What can you guys suggest for another bulking cycle to get as big as possible.
Thank you, Karim