Hi Dylan
I'm starting prep for contest which will be on march 13-15th
I'm currently 5,10ft, 79kg, lifting for 7 years and ran 3 sarm cycles prior.
My question is, if I start the cycle in November as my coach wants me to, it will result in the cycle duration being close to 18-19 weeks
Am I best to wait and start it in December instead and run it to just after the show?
The cycle I had planned assuming it went for 16 weeks
LGD4033 weeks 1-8 5mg
S4 weeks 1-8 50mg
Gw50516 1-16 20mg
Rad140 4-16 20mg
At week 8 I planned to drop the s4 and lgd
And use the rad140 to maintain the fullness whislt tightening up and getting into a more aesthetic shape for the show
Followed by a full pct of course
Let me know your thoughts on this, I know it's not exactly how you'd recommend it be done but I don't particularly like the shutdown from lgd and feel from previous cycles that not much benefit is given after 8 weeks, I will only be using it to gain those additional kgs in the first few months to have the stage presence come the show
I'm starting prep for contest which will be on march 13-15th
I'm currently 5,10ft, 79kg, lifting for 7 years and ran 3 sarm cycles prior.
My question is, if I start the cycle in November as my coach wants me to, it will result in the cycle duration being close to 18-19 weeks
Am I best to wait and start it in December instead and run it to just after the show?
The cycle I had planned assuming it went for 16 weeks
LGD4033 weeks 1-8 5mg
S4 weeks 1-8 50mg
Gw50516 1-16 20mg
Rad140 4-16 20mg
At week 8 I planned to drop the s4 and lgd
And use the rad140 to maintain the fullness whislt tightening up and getting into a more aesthetic shape for the show
Followed by a full pct of course
Let me know your thoughts on this, I know it's not exactly how you'd recommend it be done but I don't particularly like the shutdown from lgd and feel from previous cycles that not much benefit is given after 8 weeks, I will only be using it to gain those additional kgs in the first few months to have the stage presence come the show