would it be better to combine my s4 with lgd and tbol as a kickstart? or use the s4 when i finish my cycle with winny, gw, and ostarine
This is all part of a test e cycle
would it be better to combine my s4 with lgd and tbol as a kickstart? or use the s4 when i finish my cycle with winny, gw, and ostarine
This is all part of a test e cycle
would it be better to combine my s4 with lgd and tbol as a kickstart? or use the s4 when i finish my cycle with winny, gw, and ostarine
This is all part of a test e cycle
How long is the cycle? You can run S4 12 weeks, so if you are running a 12 week cycle you can run it the whole time if you choose. If you have only 8 weeks worth or so, then I would use it as a finisher to the cycle along with the Winstrol GW and Ostarine