
S-4 vs. Rad-140 'Let's get it on!'


So I'm planning out a Test/Sarms cycle a bit down the road and wanted to throw this out to the group:

I wanted to get opinions on which choice you would prefer for a bulking cycle: Test/S-4/LGD or Test/RAD/LGD. I took both RAD at 20mg(though I would bump that to 30mg on this next cycle) and S-4 at 50mg on my last 'sarms only' cycle but because they were synergistically working in my system, it's impossible for me to gauge the difference between them with the caveat that the S-4 strength gains were incredibly noticeable, assuming that was the S-4 and not the RAD. I know it's a very generalized question but the reason I'm asking is because I'm looking to bulk on this next cycle and wanted to compare RAD to S-4 before I made the decision to add in RAD at 30mg a day with the S-4 and LGD. I can definitely add in the RAD but I would really like to save a little cash on this next cycle and keep the list to just the essentials that will help with my bulk goal on this next cycle.
So I'm planning out a Test/Sarms cycle a bit down the road and wanted to throw this out to the group:

I wanted to get opinions on which choice you would prefer for a bulking cycle: Test/S-4/LGD or Test/RAD/LGD. I took both RAD at 20mg(though I would bump that to 30mg on this next cycle) and S-4 at 50mg on my last 'sarms only' cycle but because they were synergistically working in my system, it's impossible for me to gauge the difference between them with the caveat that the S-4 strength gains were incredibly noticeable, assuming that was the S-4 and not the RAD. I know it's a very generalized question but the reason I'm asking is because I'm looking to bulk on this next cycle and wanted to compare RAD to S-4 before I made the decision to add in RAD at 30mg a day with the S-4 and LGD. I can definitely add in the RAD but I would really like to save a little cash on this next cycle and keep the list to just the essentials that will help with my bulk goal on this next cycle.

Literally the only way you could ever know what SARM caused the strength gains, is by trying them all in different solo runs. That is what I would do. You have all the time in the world man, the sky is the limit!

Do your Test bulk cycle and do an S4 only cycle after it (start 4 weeks after PCT).

Or do your Test bulk cycle and do an RAD-140 only cycle after it. (Also starting 4 weeks after PCT).
Well bro, rad and Lgd are going to be your best bulking sarms and the most anabolic. S4 is great for strength. So if size is what you're after go the test/rad/Lgd route
technically, on paper, lgd and rad would be your best best HOWEVER when you take this particular combo, of s4 and lgd, im sorry but thats the best option.. ive been doing this long enough to know what works best synergistically and s4 and lgd is THAT combo... so if its me, im going with those two over ANY combo you can run, aside from maybe s4 and gw but thats for a totally different purpose... you cant go wrong either way but the STRONGEST duo, is s4 and lgd...
Thanks guys! I'm going S-4/LGD on this one with the Sust-350 a week and proviron. I'm ridiculously excited to start this next cycle. I would love to throw on 30mg of RAD a day on top of that but I'm sure I have kids out there that I'll need to send to college one day. I'm just assuming/saving for now to be safe.
I ran s4 and LGD and had MAJOR changes. I got bigger, but harder all at once. Size came on and vascularity increase. It was the best sarms run I've ever done. Gained muscle while cutting fat. Honestly it has to be the best recomp duo there is for sarms. At least in my opinion.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
Thanks guys! I'm going S-4/LGD on this one with the Sust-350 a week and proviron. I'm ridiculously excited to start this next cycle. I would love to throw on 30mg of RAD a day on top of that but I'm sure I have kids out there that I'll need to send to college one day. I'm just assuming/saving for now to be safe.
saiyan nailed it bro... its just the combo itself... they just feed off each other... peanut butter and jelly bro... ham and burger... s4 and lgd... LOL good choice bro...
Stop with the Peanut Butter, now I'm hungry, but always !!!! Lol
sorry bro LOLL... i have a hard time not talking about something that's always on my mind! LOLLL i LOVE peanut butter man... try this one... peter pan honey roast creamy... trust me... LOL
I would do s4, LGD, test personally. Strength + anabolism = gains for me. But either will be badass if it's Sarmx quality brotha.
Thanks guys! I'm going S-4/LGD on this one with the Sust-350 a week and proviron. I'm ridiculously excited to start this next cycle. I would love to throw on 30mg of RAD a day on top of that but I'm sure I have kids out there that I'll need to send to college one day. I'm just assuming/saving for now to be safe.
Great choice. Lgd and s4 are probably the most synergistic sarm combo. You can't go wrong with it
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