
Ruptured muscles

Yeah I won't fall for that bullshit I'll order it off line if they try and give me mess or steroids or something like that
Agree you need professional help! Am in medical ăprofession, but I can not help you on this board other than drinking about 240 mL of prune juice while waiting to see your doc can not hurt! Prune juice definitely blow them pipes clean and at least it soften everything up so much so you should not have to strain to take a crap. One thing catch my eye!! Leaking out your backside get worse when you do not drink enough?? this is a sign you are seriously low on fluid intake and your body is in panic mode trying to recover water out of chyme in you bowel area. Not being able to control wherre and when you pee is not a good sign either! your waste cycles are out of sync with your intake. I would think if it were ruptured or torn stomac muscle, it would have been discovered by now!!! Keep us informed
I will tell you this, if what you are experiencing is bowel impaction, prune juice is often prescribe by doctor for this!!
I will keep you inform just woke up in middle of night and I was leaking driving me crazy I been drinking slot of water to.
Sounds like you're abdominal floor is injured causing muscles to lose control. You really need to find a doctor that is gonna go the distance and help you figure out what is happening. And using gear isn't gonna do anything at all to help this.
I don't get it unless he thinks your brain or neurological system is telling your ass to open and your bladder to do the same. I mean I guess it could happen but it seems like that would be the last resort. after a fuckin internal medicine doc but hey im just a fucking QC manager what do I know. lol well I do have some medical background but not that deep
Dude dude dude, I don't understand this ideology people have that steroids are some type of magic cure-all. "I've injured myself and I don't know how or what, so I was thinking of using steroids to see if they help". Just, no. Wrong attitude. It makes so little fucking sense.

What it sounds like to me is you've unknowingly involved your pelvic muscles while doing an ab exercise (which does happen) and you've torn the shit out of something in that region (which does happen) and you've lost all muscle tone in that area (which does happen).

And that entire region is and needs to be constantly flexed and in great tone to some degree to:

A: keep your stomach and bowels where it should be
B: keep your piss and shit where it should be and
C: held hold your spine up

You may have heard people always talk about isolating your pelvic muscles and being sure to NEVER engage them in ab work let alone such a strong ab exercise. They can't take that kind of punishment. Moreover leg raises period - even for abs - are a pretty advanced exercise. I can understand the exact type of strain you would have been doing here. Just like a post-birth woman who has busted her pelvic floor from child birth, you're now also experiencing incontinence because you have no way of keeping all that stuff in. As mentioned, it has to be in good order because it is CONSTANTLY flexed to keep your from pissing and crapping yourself. Graphic, but true AF.

You need to go see a post-natal physiotherapist / pelvic floor expert / women's incontinence expert.
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