
Ruptured muscles


Wanted to get some advice from you guys. Been going threw problems for about 4 months after doing a hanging leg raise. My rectum has been leaking feels like when I walk or move my muscle is ripping. A lot of water retention bloated bad gas sometimes can't even use the bathroom feels like my muscles in my stomach don't work when I'm on the toilet. Like when I push to take a shit I can't use them like there shot. Below my stomach is bruised and hard as a rock. I got a X-ray ct scan and Mri done and colonoscopy came back good nothing wrong. They say it's not a ruptured muscle or hernia so I'm just stuck like this. On mk677 on ostarine to. Plus my job involves heavy lifting I don't know if I need to just stop working for six months to let this heal what's going on or what. Was thinking about getting steroids to help me but don't know if I should do that. When I even walk or move it feels like my muscle is ripping more. What do you guys think? Going to try to go to a sport medicine doctor next week. Was thinking king about getting igf lt3 tb500 bpc 157 and taking it with my mk677 with ostarine what else is good for healing?
I would go the super healing 12 week stack from sarmsx, and if you are experienced and of age , HGH at 3iu Ed stacked with that sarmsx stack .
stopping working for 6 months isn't an option bro, this can be solved .
but healing wise , HGH is the king .

Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
Faster. Bigger. Stronger.
I'm 28 I got hgh on hand rite now been taking it at 2iu a day should I up it?? I don't know what happen happen doing hanging keg raise just felt a big sharp pain from my groin area to stomach my belly button when pushed has a little bit of pain then my stomach starts gurgling and bloats which is weird I been to er room 4 times my primary more then 5 times just in and out and no one can figure it out. Just heard anachronism is good for collagen just like hgh. I'm on trt rite now to. At low dose and arimidex to.
I'm 28 I got hgh on hand rite now been taking it at 2iu a day should I up it?? I don't know what happen happen doing hanging keg raise just felt a big sharp pain from my groin area to stomach my belly button when pushed has a little bit of pain then my stomach starts gurgling and bloats which is weird I been to er room 4 times my primary more then 5 times just in and out and no one can figure it out. Just heard anachronism is good for collagen just like hgh. I'm on trt rite now to. At low dose and arimidex to.

depends where u got the HGH, is it Chinese , or legit authentic stuff ?
Got it from good rep from here China shipped from. We're can I get really good stuff at if its not that good???
Wanted to get some advice from you guys. Been going threw problems for about 4 months after doing a hanging leg raise. My rectum has been leaking feels like when I walk or move my muscle is ripping. A lot of water retention bloated bad gas sometimes can't even use the bathroom feels like my muscles in my stomach don't work when I'm on the toilet. Like when I push to take a shit I can't use them like there shot. Below my stomach is bruised and hard as a rock. I got a X-ray ct scan and Mri done and colonoscopy came back good nothing wrong. They say it's not a ruptured muscle or hernia so I'm just stuck like this. On mk677 on ostarine to. Plus my job involves heavy lifting I don't know if I need to just stop working for six months to let this heal what's going on or what. Was thinking about getting steroids to help me but don't know if I should do that. When I even walk or move it feels like my muscle is ripping more. What do you guys think? Going to try to go to a sport medicine doctor next week. Was thinking king about getting igf lt3 tb500 bpc 157 and taking it with my mk677 with ostarine what else is good for healing?

This is not something you should have to deal with man. I'd seek a second opinion. It sounds like you have some type of injury to me, and you certainly don't want to make it worse
It's bad were I leak out my rectum all day basically and if I don't drink enough water it gets worse. I was thinking about getting steroids at small doses but I have low speed count and want kids one day plus never did steroids before. Doctors can't figure nothing out I seen 4 doctors and no one can't figure it out at all
Pissed my self a couple times to its a bunch of bullshit. Did Mri yesterday thought it would come back positive but nothing it's bullshit got pissed was like fuck it I'll try steroids but still waiting get worried about steroids. Nandrolone and anavar I heard was good????
Got it from good rep from here China shipped from. We're can I get really good stuff at if its not that good???

if you got it from a souce on this site you no doubt have 100% authentic HGH, it's up to go to dose it, but For this specific reason I would go 2-3iu

Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
Faster. Bigger. Stronger.
Pissed my self a couple times to its a bunch of bullshit. Did Mri yesterday thought it would come back positive but nothing it's bullshit got pissed was like fuck it I'll try steroids but still waiting get worried about steroids. Nandrolone and anavar I heard was good????

I dont think the answer is drugs to treat this. Something us very wrong here. If u are leaking anally and peeing without control. And u have bruising down by ur pelvis u may have a groin injury or a prostate issue. The prostate controls pooing and peeing. That os just a muscle basically that controls blood flow also. There is a serious problem. Stop lifting and stop straining and take some time. Hgh or juice or sarms are not going to fix this. If u have bruising that means blood has internally bled ie muscle tear or worse.

Another thing to consider is a conjunction of a groin tear and abdominal tears of the ur lower stomach is bruised and hard

It's bad were I leak out my rectum all day basically and if I don't drink enough water it gets worse. I was thinking about getting steroids at small doses but I have low speed count and want kids one day plus never did steroids before. Doctors can't figure nothing out I seen 4 doctors and no one can't figure it out at all

lol bro that's a whole different story , you need to see a doctor, that's not normal
Yeah I'm worried but can't find exact answer what it is going to nurological Doctor for it to on the 15th. Don't know what else to do. Go back to my primary next week for other options to.
Hell no it's not normal one doctors goes your fine it will heal I was like this shit ain't normal something is wrong with me big time. I can't even take a shit at work them I'm stuck there willing for a hour cause my shit sits at bottom of rectum it's bullshit
Hell no it's not normal one doctors goes your fine it will heal I was like this shit ain't normal something is wrong with me big time. I can't even take a shit at work them I'm stuck there willing for a hour cause my shit sits at bottom of rectum it's bullshit

There is a possibility you could have a blockage in your rectom or intestines. Or impacted bowels have you tried a laxative or eating fiber or both. Maybe you are bound up. But if you are peeing your pants and cant control bowel movements you either have torn abdominals or groin issues or a prostate issue. Maybe cover those symptoms next.

Ok I will I can control them peeing happened a couple times. I did latitude it helps but then clogged up again and it hurts to squeeze my muscles when I shit. Something is definitely wrong with me.
Sounds like you need to have your abdomen MRIed. Sounds like it could be a pelvis issue or a torn lower abdomen. If your docs can't figure out what's wrong and your in pain and discomfort that just isn't letting up, you may want to discuss exploiting surgery with your doc. Good luck bro!

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Ok I will I can control them peeing happened a couple times. I did latitude it helps but then clogged up again and it hurts to squeeze my muscles when I shit. Something is definitely wrong with me.

yea man, all we can do here is really guess what it is. Go see a doc as this seems way more serious than a simple muscle problem. Just don't fall for the doctors "u need this 1000$ prescription painkiller med" bs

Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
Faster. Bigger. Stronger.
Ya you have either impacted bowels or a tear or tears somewhere in the abdomen groin area.

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