
Running sust


The Almighty Salad Tosser
What's up everyone? I have decided my cycle for the middle to end of September. Sust 250 3x a week MWF at .5cc every injection. I have radjay and vermodje sust from Roids24.
I'm going to also run some aromasin from roids24 along with some peptides. The whole cycle is gonna be 12-14 weeks. Normal pct protocol and I also have HCG I may use up. Debating on running S4. I have two bottles of S4 I may just use up.

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What's up everyone? I have decided my cycle for the middle to end of September. Sust 250 3x a week MWF at .5cc every injection. I have radjay and vermodje sust from Roids24.
I'm going to also run some aromasin from roids24 along with some peptides. The whole cycle is gonna be 12-14 weeks. Normal pct protocol and I also have HCG I may use up. Debating on running S4. I have two bottles of S4 I may just use up.

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Sounds good bro. S4 would be a solid addition. What's your goals for the cycle?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I have very accurate goals. I am gonna focus on bringing up my upper chest, side and rear delts, and more quad sweep with dropping some BF. Maybe a little more arm thickness from every angle. I want to stay around 280lbs but just change body composition and get harder.

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I'm thinking about it. But I don't want any drama on there at all. You know?

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Ya I hear you man. It might help you though if you're willing. It would be good to see a solid completed log because the way it ended last time. I mean that in the nicest way bro.. If you can get past the drama, it would just boost your rep, we can help you out if needed, and it could help other new guys. Your call of course.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Contact: [email protected]
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Sustanon is really not the best choice for a first run. Especially at such a low dose. Will be kind of a waste.

Sust 250

0.5cc (125mg) x 3 = 375mg a week... Am I correct?

Pharma Lady Rep
Should throw quads in the mix IMO, delts sometimes have a way of sucking buttocks. Give up some before, during and after pics. Also how's the scarring from the gyno removal? G2G?
Still healing up. Lost some chest fullness.. Of course. But I am gonna start training chest this week light.

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Ya. Generally with sustanon you want to run it at 500mg a week because the two short esters will burn out in a few days. Then you are running on low dose long esters

Ya. Generally with sustanon you want to run it at 500mg a week because the two short esters will burn out in a few days. Then you are running on low dose long esters

That dose is just a starting point to assess what is a good number. So if I need to up it, I can, instead of starting too high and having issues.

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Ya. You will feel it right away with test prop and tpp

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