Youtube has great tutorials on how to pin quads. 2cc when I pin quads, so larger muscle I prefer. Quads require a steady hand. Besides Robolics gear is good stuff. There test cyp and tren ace are great.
Pinned test cyp200/bold cyp250 mix last night and so far no pain. YES that's all in 1ml so 450mg. He said it could have some but so far so good. I'll give it til 9 tonight.
Youtube has great tutorials on how to pin quads. 2cc when I pin quads, so larger muscle I prefer. Quads require a steady hand. Besides Robolics gear is good stuff. There test cyp and tren ace are great.
I just pin bro. Sometimes I'll actually spread the skin by pushing down on my quad. That relieves some of the skin sting when the needle goes in. For some reason quads are the only place that I get a sting when the needle punctures skin