Thank you for the welcome everyone, fell like part of the family and that's a great feeling! As far as what I am looking for, I am looking to put quality mass on! As I wrote earlier I would like to compete again by October of 2016. I am a beginner with AAS but have read a good amount about the topic but no info is more valuable then from people like here at AR. People that have actually done it and had direct experience. I looking forward to learning as much as possible and will apologize in advance for and stupid questions I may ask. I have only done 2 cycles and at the 6 week point of first cycle I tore my pec and needed surgery to repair it. Towards the end of regard some 6 months later I started my second cycle to help rebuild my chest arm and back! Just finished that cycle and starting pct. Still planning next cycle after adaquate rest! Thinking sus at 500 mg/wk, deca at 400mg/wk, dbol at 30mg for 6 weeks. Heard and read mixed reviews on how to treat sides from deca so still need some advice and help.