
Rejected from Donation Blood

Bp is something that I keep an eye on. I've been in the same boat. I just gave blood today too. I'm always curious when they put the cuff on. My wife actually went and bought me a bp monitor for the house. Cheap good investment.
Bp is something that I keep an eye on. I've been in the same boat. I just gave blood today too. I'm always curious when they put the cuff on. My wife actually went and bought me a bp monitor for the house. Cheap good investment.

man I am totally with you, i have one at home as well. I ordered Organ ST praying that will help. I was soo ready to donate blood. lol
It will help. Deca is the only thing I've taken that has actually negatively impacted my bp. Not sure why that is. Maybe it just doesn't agree with me. I ran it pretty low too to start and was going to increase. I was at 250 test/ 250,deca and week 4 it sky rocketed.
It will help. Deca is the only thing I've taken that has actually negatively impacted my bp. Not sure why that is. Maybe it just doesn't agree with me. I ran it pretty low too to start and was going to increase. I was at 250 test/ 250,deca and week 4 it sky rocketed.

ya Organ ST hopefully will help. I use to use COQ10, Fish Oil and Multi Vit but soo busy with work and other crap kinda slacked on this, maybe this is one of the reasons why my BP and BPM are high.
Aromasin EOD, i have gained weight. caught the stomach bug over the weekend lost couple pounds.
I think that is a big contributor to your higher BP and HR. During sickness you get dehydrated, and when it's over your body rebounds like a mother fucker and retains water. That will raise BP and HR in a hurry
Are you taking any cycle support for your blood pressure? or anything in general. Bro your in the hypertension range. Are you getting nose bleeds? headaches? anything to note?

what is good cycle support for anabolics? i have heard of cycle support for prohormones, but ( thanks to this forum) i know they are junk
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