
ReComp Stack, beginner, questions SARMS


New member
Hey Dylan, been watching a lot of videos and doing a lot of research on forums and articles you've written in the past on Sarms. I think I've narrowed it down to the 12 week recomp stack and I just have a couple questions for ya.

I've heard you may not get any benefit from SARMS if you haven't reached your "genetic potential" is there any truth to this?

I'm currently around 20% BF. I still have a muffin top and some fat around my chest, but I can see my abs. I was originally planning on the bulking stack, but I'd like to cut down a bit before doing a true bulk. Is the recomp stack right for me? What would you recommend?

Also, do the droppers come with mL on them so I can accurately dose? Or do I need something else?

Lastly, is the mini PCT of liquid clo and Cardarine GW going to be alright for this?

Thanks for your help, I appreciate the videos. I've been scouring them for some answers but figured I'd reach out to get some more help to my goals personally.
Hey Dylan, been watching a lot of videos and doing a lot of research on forums and articles you've written in the past on Sarms. I think I've narrowed it down to the 12 week recomp stack and I just have a couple questions for ya.

I've heard you may not get any benefit from SARMS if you haven't reached your "genetic potential" is there any truth to this?

I'm currently around 20% BF. I still have a muffin top and some fat around my chest, but I can see my abs. I was originally planning on the bulking stack, but I'd like to cut down a bit before doing a true bulk. Is the recomp stack right for me? What would you recommend?

Also, do the droppers come with mL on them so I can accurately dose? Or do I need something else?

Lastly, is the mini PCT of liquid clo and Cardarine GW going to be alright for this?

Thanks for your help, I appreciate the videos. I've been scouring them for some answers but figured I'd reach out to get some more help to my goals personally.
hey brother... you are definitely on the right track but i would make ONE small switch... instead of the recomp stack, i would go with the enhanced super stack.. its going to be far and away the most conducive to your goals... all droppers are clearly marked as well so your good to go there... im going to make it very easy for you... here are the links for everything you need to purchase followed by the layout...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Thanks Dylan.

But if I'm reading the stack right, at the doses of Rad140 and sr9009, wouldn't I need to buy an extra bottle of both? Or 2 if my calculations are correct?

Additionally, if I'm running the mini pct, that means I run GW for weeks 1-16?
Thanks Dylan.

But if I'm reading the stack right, at the doses of Rad140 and sr9009, wouldn't I need to buy an extra bottle of both? Or 2 if my calculations are correct?

Additionally, if I'm running the mini pct, that means I run GW for weeks 1-16?

Yes you are correct. At those doses you'll need a couple extra bottles to complete the 12 weeks

GW is fine to run up to 16 weeks at a time, so there is no concern running it enough the cycle and pct. that's exactly what you want to do
rad you need 6 bottles for 12 weeks, SR,around 4-5, depending if you miss some days (I tend to miss SR doses on weekends, as am too active)

Icanmake do with 4 bottles.
You'll love this stack!!! Perfect set up for your goals!!!! Gw and Sr are both non supressive and can be ran a full 16 weeks! Those are my favorites!
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