Bottom line watch this fucking video. Surely this bullshit has to be a money move on the part of the NPC and IFBB.
Here's where I piss people off: Classic Physique... so granted some of these guys are aesthetic and muscular undoubtedly, but this fucktard got a fucking pro card. I am officially throwing up. So ANY CLASS below bodybuilding IMHO is for guys who don't wanna wait to get really muscular. They say it's a choice, that it's a preference, but look at this assholes legs. He rolls up his shorts leg and it's almost just an extension of his bird ass'd calves. The guy is of the opinion that he is jacked af. Fuck that. Standards are at an all time low currently. Why the fuck do I even lift anymore? You get rewarded for falling short of your original dreams and then stay there so you can make class weight? This guy is built like he's been lifting incomplete for 3 years max and that he said fuck legs. WTF people.
Here's where I piss people off: Classic Physique... so granted some of these guys are aesthetic and muscular undoubtedly, but this fucktard got a fucking pro card. I am officially throwing up. So ANY CLASS below bodybuilding IMHO is for guys who don't wanna wait to get really muscular. They say it's a choice, that it's a preference, but look at this assholes legs. He rolls up his shorts leg and it's almost just an extension of his bird ass'd calves. The guy is of the opinion that he is jacked af. Fuck that. Standards are at an all time low currently. Why the fuck do I even lift anymore? You get rewarded for falling short of your original dreams and then stay there so you can make class weight? This guy is built like he's been lifting incomplete for 3 years max and that he said fuck legs. WTF people.