Hey guys. I know everyone is different and that will drastically affect the answers to this question, but: what can I expect/an 'average' person expect from their first 12 week cycle of testosterone? Let's assume they are using 400mg of test cyp per week. For someone who is in shape, eats pretty well, gets plenty of sleep. What range would you say is realistic in terms of weight gain? How much could I increase my bench, squat, bicep curl... vs natural training. I know the training is paramount, but I am talking about a natural person vs a medicated person: 400mg test for 12 weeks, assuming everything else is the same. I have a few friends who said that their first cycle was like compressing a whole year of natural lifting into 12 weeks. Also, how severe can sides get at this dosage compared to 500, or 600? Will this dose affect my voice, hair, body odor...? I hope I don't sound ridiculous. For those of you who know, what did YOU get from your first cycle? Forgot to mention that everyone I know who has used gear was lifting for several years first.