
RAD140 higher dose? Or stop

I started my first cycle of RAD140 and GW. Been doing 20mg of each per day since Nov 28, 2023

I immediately felt the GW. Like I was running with an O2 tank strapped on my back. But have felt almost nothing nor noticed and gains or strength increases from the RAD140. No muscle pumps. Back pumps or soreness.

I increased rad140 to 30mg a day. And felt some tightness in chest and back. (Assuming these are the pumps people refer to)

Dylan had recommended doing 12 week cycle. And I’m coming up on my last 5 weeks or so.

Is upping my dose to 40mg per day for rad140 a bad idea? Waste of money? Unsafe?

I don’t want to waste this venture but also don’t want to put myself in harms way.

I know that less is “more” sometimes. So I really want some feedback.

All products were umbrella labs. So I assume they are legit.

Also have yk11/lgd4033 and possibly mk677 (not sure if I’m gonna use due to hunger issue) lined up for my next run. But that won’t be for a few months. Bc I believe it’s recommended to cycle off for the same length as cycled on.

Also have 12 week supply of oaxabdrolone that my dr gave me.

Was 353 lbs in February 2023.
Current weight 227.

Goal was to 200 and the. Try to bulk back to 225 and get body fat down to 17% from 24% now.

Any help or recommendations are appreciated.
You should be pounding outs some pounds of iron. Rad hits me pretty fast and hard. Like day of I know it's there because the first thing that happens in about 2-3 hrs is I start hating everything . For me rad blows tren away on hatred of life forms(will just say any noun or pronoun). I feel also same day an upkick in strength. Nothing radical just like 20 extra lbs increase and a few more reps. Now actually kicking in as Dillen telling you ; 2 weeks and I'm bigger more 3D. But I've always stop before 6 weeks cause pretty much everything I would normally love I hate. Little things irritate tf out of me. I control it except I'm pretty tough on my gf. Love it but that's no way to live. We're all different for sure but(everyone will probably disagree) I would hit 50mgs a few times JUST to see how it feels. Not stay on that dose but if you don't feel anger or strength something is off with you or the product.
Like I have trest ace/ment. For me I fell like it TOTALLY cancels out the tren. Completely different result sensations with just the ment. I can take micro doses of it and get good effects. With tren I hardly feel a 30 mg dose. And I'm talking tren at 175 tren en week. With or with 40 mgs test prop a week in the combo and it's estrogen city cute puppies bring tears to my eyes.
First sign rad or tren is working is I think about this little bastard on the playground at 6 years old being a smart ass and still with I'd have beat his ass. Lol and I'm 59. 😂 Little punk shithead.
GW can affect your pump encase you didn’t know that’s why I don’t really use it it makes my muscles flat and hard to get a pump in the gym even taking multiple supplements to increase the pump. But also sounds like your training tired
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