
Quick poll....

yeah shes on something. look at the width of shoulders with Delts popping and the vascularity. plus she is picking up some androgenic sides, hands and face looking a little manly. you cant see her traps from the front but you can tell she has some if you look at her neck. look how thick it is coming up from middle upper trap.

also that shirt....Come at me bro? Seriously?
yeah shes on something. look at the width of shoulders with Delts popping and the vascularity. plus she is picking up some androgenic sides, hands and face looking a little manly. you cant see her traps from the front but you can tell she has some if you look at her neck. look how thick it is coming up from middle upper trap.

also that shirt....Come at me bro? Seriously?

LMAO...I know classy t-shirt right
5-10mg winny/day and 100mg primo either ew or eow. She is juicing put not putting a hard enough workout in.. and she needs a trainer.
I was like...Natty! Until i read "in a year".

...what do you say Rich!? :"Survey said! - Steriods!"

Ding ding ding

Steroid was the number one answer surveyed across america...thankyou
This has been a Mark Goodson Production.
All of our guests will be receiving a Coleco Pac-man...and "My Secretary" answering machine...and a years supply of Ramen Noodles
<Music Plays>
No last year she was thin but flabby and kinda had a pooch now all of a sudden she wants to be dana bailey


Well if that was only a years worth of progress then yea, she's more than likely on something. I've seen some pretty amazing females naturally but those are all physiques built over 7... 9... 10+ years of hardcore training and nutrition. For 1 year going from thin/flabby to that, you have to be on something. It's working though!
She's definitely taking something. I think she looks good and needs to keep it up.

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Looks like som EQ delt's and vascularity to me. Mby some winstrol because winny is safe for women to run since it's low on tbe anabolic scale.. lmao..&#55357;&#56834; cant count how many idiots at my gym who recomend winstrol for women not knowing the difference between anabolic and androgenic scale
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