
Quick Guidance. New to Forum.


New member
Hello All.
Quick guidance, please.
Male, 37 years old, Gym member for over 14 months, lost 35Lbs by dieting, running and gym during these 14 months.
Gym 3 times a week lifting weights for the past 14 months with not much mussle gain, feel good but about to give up.
Friend told me about 6 weeks cycle of Primobolan and Sustanol, placed an order of both about to start on Friday 11/5.
Opinions please about these 2 items, is this the right way and products to start with?
Im ingood health, i take meds for high cholesterol othet than that 100%.
Also need guidance with after cycle procedures.
My goal is to see gains in my mussle to avoid giving up the gym.
Thank you all in advance.


Age 37
Height 5.7
Weight 167Lbs
Body fat %. 13%
Years of training 1 year and 2 months
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) never
PCT for each cycle never
Goals impulse to keep going
Supplements (if any) whey and prework out
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) all types of meats, fruits and vege. Low carb diet no allergies
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) never
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I wouldn't listen to that friend. You won't get much out of a 6 week cycle of primo and sustanon. I'd be pretty wary of running anything with cholesterol issues. Steroids affect cholesterol negatively. Ask Dylan or Rick about maybe running some sarms
Welcome to the forum bro. I would slow down with the cycle stuff. I think you're jumping the gun a bit here.
welcome... I have to be honest, you have not been working out long enough and if you think doing steroids is going to be the only thing keeping you going, you don't have the motivation to be successful in this endeavor anyways. You are being irresponsible, don't even know what PCT is.... Come on bro, shit like this is insulting to those of us who have put in years of natural work, pristine dieting, and LOTS of research. You are not going to gain a huge amount of muscle mass in such a short period of time in the gym... If you gain 10 pounds of muscle a year naturally, you are doing fucking phenomenal. Steroids are not magic, would you see gains? Sure, but you are not going to gain a shit ton of muscle even from one cycle. Steroids are nothing more than a tool in a big tool box, they accelerate progress they don't create it. Chances are you don't even have an extremely solid workout routine if you have failed to see any type of gain. Its all about form brother form and food, quality over quantity. Even using steroids you won't have the size you want because you haven't even touched your natty potential yet, you still have to run multiple cycles for large amounts of gains and do it responsibly while recovering properly or you'd lose it all anyways. Doing one cycle to keep your motivation is bullshit first off, second offensive, and third like i said running one cycle isn't going to make you look like jay cutler.
Hello All.
Quick guidance, please.
Male, 37 years old, Gym member for over 14 months, lost 35Lbs by dieting, running and gym during these 14 months.
Gym 3 times a week lifting weights for the past 14 months with not much mussle gain, feel good but about to give up.
Friend told me about 6 weeks cycle of Primobolan and Sustanol, placed an order of both about to start on Friday 11/5.
Opinions please about these 2 items, is this the right way and products to start with?
Im ingood health, i take meds for high cholesterol othet than that 100%.
Also need guidance with after cycle procedures.
My goal is to see gains in my mussle to avoid giving up the gym.
Thank you all in advance.


Age 37
Height 5.7
Weight 167Lbs
Body fat %. 13%
Years of training 1 year and 2 months
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) never
PCT for each cycle never
Goals impulse to keep going
Supplements (if any) whey and prework out
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) all types of meats, fruits and vege. Low carb diet no allergies
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) never
Wow, hold up a minute bro. You are getting way too far ahead of yourself. You have been given the wrong advice. Those are not compounds you use for a first cycle, and you aren't running them the right length or the right doses. With only a year training you have no business messing with steroids right now.

I'm not sure what exactly you are looking for from the cycle, but you need to slow down and look at other options like sarms. Steroids ate not the answer

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
First and foremost, thank you for providing us your full stats! You've gotten some good feedback so far, let me expand a little further and maybe put things into perspective. You've been working out for 14 months and have lost 35lbs? That is tremendous progress!!!! I can easily go to my gym and point out 5-10 people who haven't lost shit in past year. 35lbs is a lot to loose, be very proud of that.

As for building muscle:

Keep in mind, it is hard to build muscle in a calorie deficit. If you've been cutting fat, then it is of no surprise you haven't gained much muscle. You should transition to a slight calorie surplus while focusing on heavy compound movements and progressive overload. Do this for at a least a year and aim to gain 2 pounds a month. Maybe consider some sarms. First cycle should be test only and ran at least 12 weeks. But, as pointed out, I wouldn't jump the gun yet. IMO you haven't been training nearly long enough yet. It takes time and consistency....more than 14 months.
Hello All.
Quick guidance, please.
Male, 37 years old, Gym member for over 14 months, lost 35Lbs by dieting, running and gym during these 14 months.
Gym 3 times a week lifting weights for the past 14 months with not much mussle gain, feel good but about to give up.
Friend told me about 6 weeks cycle of Primobolan and Sustanol, placed an order of both about to start on Friday 11/5.
Opinions please about these 2 items, is this the right way and products to start with?
Im ingood health, i take meds for high cholesterol othet than that 100%.
Also need guidance with after cycle procedures.
My goal is to see gains in my mussle to avoid giving up the gym.
Thank you all in advance.


Age 37
Height 5.7
Weight 167Lbs
Body fat %. 13%
Years of training 1 year and 2 months
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) never
PCT for each cycle never
Goals impulse to keep going
Supplements (if any) whey and prework out
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) all types of meats, fruits and vege. Low carb diet no allergies
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) never
okay bro... just stop everything right now please and listen to some common sense thinking as opposed to the nonsense and bull shit you are being fed... you have no business whatsoever using steroids... you have been training for just a little over a year... there are clear flaws in what you are doing that you need to address... do you think that you can just take steroids and still have flaws in your training and/or diet and it will work for your benefit?? that's NOT how it works... lets just look past the obvious.. you would never use primo on a first cycle, you would never run this for six weeks??? are you kidding... i would have to make a citizens arrest on you for wasting primo like that... not to mention six weeks of sustanon when its mainly long esters and VERY long ones at that? bro, listen, not only do you have no business physically using them but you have no clue what your doing or getting into.... steroids ARE NOT magic and they are for people that have put in serious time and effort and gotten to a point where they cannot get any further and you are literally a MILLION miles from that... thats not anywhere in sight or on the horizon... which is fine, this is all fixable but you have to make the corrections... you are making severe mistakes that you will be EXTREMELY sorry about later... trust me... you need to take a step back and completely reassess... i would recommend sarms to you but even at that, if you have flawed training and diet, it makes no difference what you take.. barring you finding a genie in a lamp, it wont happen... this is ALL fixable and when it gets fixed, you have to bust ass, be consistent and disciplined and then you can take a look at sarms for enhancement while you work your way towards steroids but you have to slow your roll in a major way or you are going to destroy yourself...
"I would have to make a citizens arrest on you for wasting primo like that"

Wall of Fame
Hello All.
Quick guidance, please.
Male, 37 years old, Gym member for over 14 months, lost 35Lbs by dieting, running and gym during these 14 months.
Gym 3 times a week lifting weights for the past 14 months with not much mussle gain, feel good but about to give up.
Friend told me about 6 weeks cycle of Primobolan and Sustanol, placed an order of both about to start on Friday 11/5.
Opinions please about these 2 items, is this the right way and products to start with?
Im ingood health, i take meds for high cholesterol othet than that 100%.
Also need guidance with after cycle procedures.
My goal is to see gains in my mussle to avoid giving up the gym.
Thank you all in advance.


Age 37
Height 5.7
Weight 167Lbs
Body fat %. 13%
Years of training 1 year and 2 months
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run) never
PCT for each cycle never
Goals impulse to keep going
Supplements (if any) whey and prework out
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) all types of meats, fruits and vege. Low carb diet no allergies
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) never

You're on the right track, it sounds like you've made some nice changes in just over a year.

But I will echo the responses thus far; no AAS should bein your near future, you need to pay your dues and definitely stop listening to whoever is telling you this nonsense....

Stick around this board and we'll help you get there.
I would also train for another while and get a good grip on diet etc.. AAS isn't just about getting it and trying it but mainly about preparation and good timing. Some guys never even consider AAS ( depending on the goal and overall situation ) and instead opting out for SARMS! Good luck with your goals I believe in you..
"I would have to make a citizens arrest on you for wasting primo like that"

Wall of Fame
LOLLL I was laughing as I was typing that... its true, it would have to be done! there will be no wasting of primo on my watch...
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