
Questions about Tbol


New member
Hello Dylan

I have saw your videos and im special tbol.
Sorry about my English but I gonna give my best.
Im trying to compete, and I have a coach, the problem was that I had too much fat at belly and not so much muscles, so I was training almost one year, we have make nice gains, bulk, and then a cut, after that I start with Tbol.
the diet its with max. 30g Fat and right now we are making a carb cycling, 1 high day 2 down, but the problem is, I don’t take nothing to the liver, my coach says that I don’t need.

I start with tbol like this

4.11.16 – 10mg
4.12.16 – 15mg
3.01.17 – 20 mg

and we are with tbol till today I don’t know but coach are trying that a lose all my belly fat (if you want I can send fotos), after this coach says me that I need to take something like clenbuterol to don’t lose the gains.

Its my coach I know but I need to ear the opinion of somebody else.

Can you please help me,
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here is the simple truth... your coach is a fucking idiot that is going to get you hurt... he is CLUELESS on what he is doing... steroids ARE NOT fat burners and NOT used by people in your condition... Oral only cycles are the STUPIDEST cycles you could ever run... watch my video on it...

you need to stop this bull shit asap... what do you have for pct?

clenbuterol is the dirtiest compound out there... you will not be able to sustain it first of all and will eventually gain the weight back but also, there is short and long term heart damage associated with use so if you find that to be worth it then use it but for me, i would never recommend it nor use it under any circumstance... i can help you with alternatives that are very very effective for weight loss and far safer... if you are not familiar with sarms, start with my articles here...

let me know and im happy to help you set up a stack...
Hello Dylan

I have saw your videos and im special tbol.
Sorry about my English but I gonna give my best.
Im trying to compete, and I have a coach, the problem was that I had too much fat at belly and not so much muscles, so I was training almost one year, we have make nice gains, bulk, and then a cut, after that I start with Tbol.
the diet its with max. 30g Fat and right now we are making a carb cycling, 1 high day 2 down, but the problem is, I don’t take nothing to the liver, my coach says that I don’t need.

I start with tbol like this

4.11.16 – 10mg
14.12.16 – 15mg (and I lost my period , 10mg lunch and 5mg bedtime)
23.01.17 – 20 mg (10mg lunch 10 mg when I go in bed)

and we are with tbol till today I don’t know but coach are trying that a lose all my belly fat (if you want I can send fotos), after this coach says me that I need to take something like clenbuterol to don’t lose the gains.

Its my coach I know but I need to ear the opinion of somebody else.

Can you please help me,

This coach has no business advising anyone. Running tbol only cycle is a stupid idea, especially doing it for fat loss purposes. It literally makes no sense at all. Sarms are a great option if fat loss is what you are after

This is the stack I would personally go with. It's the best cutting stack there is,the enhanced super stack

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
please let me know bro because you are being misled and making very poor decisions moving forward...
Hello Dylan
i have stop with TBOL , im taking 200mg MilkThistle only that... i gonna stopp about 8 - 9 weeks and i dont know lets see... thanks for all, im not taking clembuterol because im a little bit scare about heart diseases...
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i was taking winstrol without know... only now with the exams an all we have saw that was all but not TBOL my LDL are too high and HDL too low... and yes im right now with scare about my heart.
and yes i was with joint pain... the last weeks... since a stop its better and i dont have more pain... a take msn and all you recomend at your video Dylan.
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