


New member
International pack sat in customs over 7 days. Released yesterday and says its out for delivery now. I'm nervous and paranoid as hell. Do you guys think it's fine or should I be concerned?
Do u see those black tinted suburbans out front ? Lol I would think ur good unless its a mega big order

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U should be fine...I know the feeling g order arrived today by a mailman in plain clothes asking for a signature....but no handcuffs lol
Is this one of your first orders? I think all of us experienced a little nervousness in the beginning. I wouldn't worry about it man. Sometimes customs holds onto packs for a bit. You should be fine. Not worth the money to them to take you down lol. If anything they would have just siezed it and sent a letter to you.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
International pack sat in customs over 7 days. Released yesterday and says its out for delivery now. I'm nervous and paranoid as hell. Do you guys think it's fine or should I be concerned?

I'm assuming you are new to ordering. Everything you are experiencing is normal, but just about everyone gets a little nervous and paranoid the first time ordering
The USPS site will say that it is in Customs and the thing will show up at my door at the same time. Nothing to worry about. Plus, you are the reciever. You can say that you dont know what it is and you never asked for it if something goes down.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Not good. Seizure letter in the pack. Seized all controlled substances, left cytomel, aromasin, cialis. Fuuuuck
Shit happens man. At least you got the other stuff. Who was the source? Most international sources will reship if a seizure happens.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
Not good. Seizure letter in the pack. Seized all controlled substances, left cytomel, aromasin, cialis. Fuuuuck

That sucks, but it happens from time to time. Contact your source and tell them the issue. Most will reship no problem after a seizure
Yeah she reshipped it. PharmaLady has awesome customer service. I know I'm not the first to say that and definitely won't be the last. Now let's hope this next shipment doesn't have the same outcome
And btw, I'm new here but not new to forums/ordering. Was on Evo and SyntheticGenetics for a long time. Ask Phurious, him and I go way back haha. But thank you guys for all the input
Out of curiosity, did you get the second one sent to the same address? I ask only because I've read that some say it may or may not be a good idea getting it sent to the same address a second time
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