Hey Dylan I appreciate all the sound knowledgable advice and information you have provided me through my journey. I am 37 years old, 190 pounds @ about 9% bf. I am currently on my third cycle which consists of 800mg's of test 400, 600mg's of EQ, and 300mg's of deca per week. My next cycle I am planning will be 800mg's of test 400, and 300mg's of tren e, which will be accompanied will Aromasin, and prami (along with heart and liver support). My main question is, what do you think of the 800mg's of test? I have a feeling you will recommend a lower amount... I just feel that at 800mg's I will be able to control any negative sides associated with performance in the bed room and such. I have read both ends of the spectrum in terms of dosing. It's a pretty even debate. Would like to hear your thoughts on this one.