
Question about collagen sythesis with anabolics.


Hello Dylan, i have read that deca durabolin increases the collagen synthesis up to 270%. I dont know if this is true or not.
But i have a friend who said that he has done one deca cycle in his life and whatever hurt before that did not after . Mabey it was just him, and mabey he did not have any major issuses with joints. And people also saying that they feel good on cycle cause deca lubricates joints or smth.

I was wondering does Boldenone(Equipoise) also do that when its said Bolde raises collagen synthesis up to 340%, I know you have video about these saying sarms are better alternative to heal something. But is it even possible that Eq makes joints feel better if its so dry compound as it should be?

I hope im not confusing anything :D

And thanks if you are willing to answer.
equipoise is not going to provide any sort of healing benefits at all nor is deca... Deca increases the synovial fluid in the bursas between our joints. So the relief from joint pain is actually more cushion. As far as healing properties versus masking symptoms? I think that if you use deca during a cycle and have bad joints, and during cycle joint pain is alleviated, then it is like buying some time for your joints, and wont necessarily make them any worse, but when you come off of deca, synovial fluids decrease, and your back to where you were except with a little more gains in strength and size.
Okey i understand but second question i had was , do your joints feel better on boldenone cycle like they feel better on deca cycle, if Bolde is so dry compound :)?
Okey i understand but second question i had was , do your joints feel better on boldenone cycle like they feel better on deca cycle, if Bolde is so dry compound :)?

I've never noticed EQ giving any type of benefit like that at all. Deca yes, but as Dylan said it's basically just lubricating joints and not healing anything. You can actually end up causing more damage when you don't feel the pain too
Ok, so its no good then basically, it seems true . even with Test only first cycle i held more water in my body, and even then everything felt little bit better than usual, but when i came off my shoulders hurt.

If im gona do 12 weeks ostarine only cycle few months after PCT this be probably beneficial for healing any cycle caused injuries, true?
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