
Post Injury SARMS - First Timer Noob


New member

New lurker here. Recovering from a nasty crash I had mid summer. 3rd degree separated shoulder, fractured ribs, concussion and broken hand/wrist. My left shoulder is no longer the same as it use to be and may never be the same. My right hand may also never be the same, not sure. Over the last 6 weeks I have lost 12 lbs.

Was looking at SARMS as a possible way to get some strength back, help with recovery, and possibly get a physique I have wanted at the same time. I want to get back on my dirt bike and be at the same level I was prior to my incident. No stranger to hard work and commitment. I have no financial woes.

Looking for some advice or direction in this thread or via PM as to what items to start with. I am a complete noobie and first timer but willing to read, learn and listen.

Age: 32
Height: 6'3"
Weight Floating between 200-210
Body fat %: 15-20%
Years of training: 2 years . 3-4 days a week training something different everyday.
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): Never run a cycle before of anything.
PCT for each cycle: None.

Goals: Would love to be in that 220-230lb range of lean muscle. 10% body fat. I don't want to get too big just lean and put on a little muscle. I do alot of dirt biking as a main hobby on weekends.

Supplements (if any). Fish oil/Omega 3 (2x400mg daily) and a standard mens multi vitamin daily.

General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???): No allergies. I have a relatively good healthy diet (alot of chicken, veggies, salads, rice, bananas etc). I do have a few cheat meals every week. I do not count calories, carbs, proteins etc. I do some meal prep every week. I take 1-2 whey protein isolate/BCAA shakes a day and a caffeine stimulant pre workout.

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.): Recovering from a pretty serious dirt bike crash. 3rd degree separated should and broken hand/wrist and a minor concussion. I am doing physio starting next week once cast is off. No surgeries needed thankfully. Doctors said if I was a professional athlete they would have done surgery on my separated shoulder/collar bone that now protrudes out from my skin. During my recovery I have been doing light cardio, leg days and some back exercises. I can't do much else for the next month or so while I am in physio.
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One of the best stacks there is,lgd/s4/rad and gw

Add sr for additional fat loss, I'd add ostarine as well.

Pct is 4 weeks, nolva, Clomid and gw

That's the top of the heap right there.

New lurker here. Recovering from a nasty crash I had mid summer. 3rd degree separated shoulder, fractured ribs, concussion and broken hand/wrist. My left shoulder is no longer the same as it use to be and may never be the same. My right hand may also never be the same, not sure. Over the last 6 weeks I have lost 12 lbs.

Was looking at SARMS as a possible way to get some strength back, help with recovery, and possibly get a physique I have wanted at the same time. I want to get back on my dirt bike and be at the same level I was prior to my incident. No stranger to hard work and commitment. I have no financial woes.

Looking for some advice or direction in this thread or via PM as to what items to start with. I am a complete noobie and first timer but willing to read, learn and listen.

Age: 32
Height: 6'3"
Weight Floating between 200-210
Body fat %: 15-20%
Years of training: 2 years . 3-4 days a week training something different everyday.
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): Never run a cycle before of anything.
PCT for each cycle: None.

Goals: Would love to be in that 220-230lb range of lean muscle. 10% body fat. I don't want to get too big just lean and put on a little muscle. I do alot of dirt biking as a main hobby on weekends.

Supplements (if any). Fish oil/Omega 3 (2x400mg daily) and a standard mens multi vitamin daily.

General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???): No allergies. I have a relatively good healthy diet (alot of chicken, veggies, salads, rice, bananas etc). I do have a few cheat meals every week. I do not count calories, carbs, proteins etc. I do some meal prep every week. I take 1-2 whey protein isolate/BCAA shakes a day and a caffeine stimulant pre workout.

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.): Recovering from a pretty serious dirt bike crash. 3rd degree separated should and broken hand/wrist and a minor concussion. I am doing physio starting next week once cast is off. No surgeries needed thankfully. Doctors said if I was a professional athlete they would have done surgery on my separated shoulder/collar bone that now protrudes out from my skin. During my recovery I have been doing light cardio, leg days and some back exercises. I can't do much else for the next month or so while I am in physio.

For your goals id go with the sarms super stack. I think that will suit your needs best. LGD and MK-2866 are there to help you with healing, strength, and lean mass gains. S4 is great for strength, hardening and fat loss and GW is perfect a.l around for great fat loss and endurance. It's a well rounded stack for everything you are after.

Make sure you get everything from

Here is the complete breakdown and protocol of everything

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

New lurker here. Recovering from a nasty crash I had mid summer. 3rd degree separated shoulder, fractured ribs, concussion and broken hand/wrist. My left shoulder is no longer the same as it use to be and may never be the same. My right hand may also never be the same, not sure. Over the last 6 weeks I have lost 12 lbs.

Was looking at SARMS as a possible way to get some strength back, help with recovery, and possibly get a physique I have wanted at the same time. I want to get back on my dirt bike and be at the same level I was prior to my incident. No stranger to hard work and commitment. I have no financial woes.

Looking for some advice or direction in this thread or via PM as to what items to start with. I am a complete noobie and first timer but willing to read, learn and listen.

Age: 32
Height: 6'3"
Weight Floating between 200-210
Body fat %: 15-20%
Years of training: 2 years . 3-4 days a week training something different everyday.
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): Never run a cycle before of anything.
PCT for each cycle: None.

Goals: Would love to be in that 220-230lb range of lean muscle. 10% body fat. I don't want to get too big just lean and put on a little muscle. I do alot of dirt biking as a main hobby on weekends.

Supplements (if any). Fish oil/Omega 3 (2x400mg daily) and a standard mens multi vitamin daily.

General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???): No allergies. I have a relatively good healthy diet (alot of chicken, veggies, salads, rice, bananas etc). I do have a few cheat meals every week. I do not count calories, carbs, proteins etc. I do some meal prep every week. I take 1-2 whey protein isolate/BCAA shakes a day and a caffeine stimulant pre workout.

Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.): Recovering from a pretty serious dirt bike crash. 3rd degree separated should and broken hand/wrist and a minor concussion. I am doing physio starting next week once cast is off. No surgeries needed thankfully. Doctors said if I was a professional athlete they would have done surgery on my separated shoulder/collar bone that now protrudes out from my skin. During my recovery I have been doing light cardio, leg days and some back exercises. I can't do much else for the next month or so while I am in physio.

two things i want to point out before i answer your questions... the first is that you have a great attitude... i love that and that gets you respect immediately and two, your attention and care to actually making a first post with all the info we need to help... much much respect bro...

considering you are needing recovery but also looking to get some conditioning as well as size, i have an excellent layout for you... this is the healing super stack... its definitely what you would want to start wth... it has you covered in everything you are wanting to address and then some... keep in mind that mk677 needs to be ran 6 months at the minimum but a year is the most optimal way... you would not cycle off whatsoever... it is ran continuously... here are the links to purchase everything you need for your cycle, followed by the layout..

1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
mk 677 25 mg day
For your goals id go with the sarms super stack. I think that will suit your needs best. LGD and MK-2866 are there to help you with healing, strength, and lean mass gains. S4 is great for strength, hardening and fat loss and GW is perfect a.l around for great fat loss and endurance. It's a well rounded stack for everything you are after.

Make sure you get everything from

Here is the complete breakdown and protocol of everything

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

Thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated. I have a few questions about your recommendation. Hopefully these are not too stupid questions as I am still lurking the site and stickies since I am totally new to this and h ave much to learn. If you would rather me PM you I can.

1. 1-12 in your stack recommendations, what does this refer to? The number cycle/ weeks?
2. Timing of the SARMs in the AM. Just take them all at once but individually?
3. Timing of the S4 in the PM. Do I just take it before bed or perhaps post workout, same time as post workout meal?
4. When you say clomid, do you actually mean sarmsx LiquidClo product?
5. Assuming the above Clomid=LiquidClo product, what does 50/25/25/25 mean? Does it refer to the dosage every week?
6. Is shipping to Canada a problem? From everything I searched, it isn't but not sure if things have changed.

Sorry guys, go easy on me.
Thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated. I have a few questions about your recommendation. Hopefully these are not too stupid questions as I am still lurking the site and stickies since I am totally new to this and h ave much to learn. If you would rather me PM you I can.

1. 1-12 in your stack recommendations, what does this refer to? The number cycle/ weeks?
2. Timing of the SARMs in the AM. Just take them all at once but individually?
3. Timing of the S4 in the PM. Do I just take it before bed or perhaps post workout, same time as post workout meal?
4. When you say clomid, do you actually mean sarmsx LiquidClo product?
5. Assuming the above Clomid=LiquidClo product, what does 50/25/25/25 mean? Does it refer to the dosage every week?
6. Is shipping to Canada a problem? From everything I searched, it isn't but not sure if things have changed.

Sorry guys, go easy on me.

1. yes, thats weeks...

2. take them individually

3. s4 is split doses... take the first in the a.m. and the second 4-6 hours later

4. yes

5. 50 mg the first week each day, then drop to 25 mg per day the next three weeks

6. sarmsx ships to canada on a daily basis with no issues
Thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated. I have a few questions about your recommendation. Hopefully these are not too stupid questions as I am still lurking the site and stickies since I am totally new to this and h ave much to learn. If you would rather me PM you I can.

1. 1-12 in your stack recommendations, what does this refer to? The number cycle/ weeks?
2. Timing of the SARMs in the AM. Just take them all at once but individually?
3. Timing of the S4 in the PM. Do I just take it before bed or perhaps post workout, same time as post workout meal?
4. When you say clomid, do you actually mean sarmsx LiquidClo product?
5. Assuming the above Clomid=LiquidClo product, what does 50/25/25/25 mean? Does it refer to the dosage every week?
6. Is shipping to Canada a problem? From everything I searched, it isn't but not sure if things have changed.

Sorry guys, go easy on me.

I think Dylan answered all your questions pretty well, but if you have any more don't hesitate to ask

I believe I have a few more and then I will be done. I can elaborate further if the below does not make sense.

1a. The recommended 12 week cycle and post cycle therapy. Is this something I should be doing yearly (with the exception of the MK677 which you indicated needs to be run yearly or for 6 at least months)? Like do a cycle of this every year type of thing but always stay on the MK677 (and modify as needed)?
1b. Can I do 6 months of MK677 (to start) then take 6 months off (at which point this will be one year now) and then restart the same cycle?
2. The recommended SARMs and doses - Is this for a beginner or noobie first timer? I don't mean to question the recommendations, just want to be 100% sure the SARMs and doses are first timer friendly as I have never done any sort of gear or test or hgh or trt.
3. Big fear of gyno. As long as I follow the doses and SARMs provided along with the PCT, no gyno right? A lot of my friends who actively work out and have wanted try various ways to improve their performance don't due to the fear of gyno.
4. Sorry do I go with DylanGemelli's or HardRock's recommendations? Recommendations are similar but a little different.
5. Should I monitor my blood pressure or get blood work done prior to starting a cycle, during a cycle and after the cycle or is it not required with SARMs?
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1- you can repeat this cycle or another sarms cycle as often as you like. You just need about 3 weeks off after pct and you can start again

1b- you are fine to do that or just stay on MK677 continuously. You don't have to come off after 6 months
2- these doses are for everyone. There are no first timer doses because there's no side effects to worry about or reason to run lower doses
3- sarms do not aromatize into estrogen so no worries of gyno.
4- both are great protocols and you can't go wrong with either.
5- bloodwork is always a good idea at least before and after so you have a precycle baseline to go from

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
yep and don't worry about having so many questions that is good that you do, but like RR said there is very little chances of gyno happening with sarms and I mean maybe .5% if that. asking questions is the only way you will know for sure so basically with either stack you choose you will have somewhat of an effect of "gear" but without all the nasty sides of gear looking forward to seeing a log or updates as you progress thru

My VERY last question.

1. Can I be in a cutting phase or in a caloric deficit (Say 2500-3000 calories), take SARMs and still see gains or should I be upping my caloric intake to see gains or does it not matter really just the gains will be more or less depending on diet/caloric intake?
I thought I read you want lean mass? do you want to gain or lose? either way I cut about 40-50 lbs while gaining lean mass and skeletal muscle while on sarms and I was in a caloric deficit
Thanks for the reply rockmfhudd, I am open to doing anything that will make me achieve my goal of gaining a few lean pounds. I am just trying to best understand how to exploit SARMS for my situation. It sounds like I can be in a caloric deficit and still put on say 10 lbs off lean mass with the program.
10 lbs may be a little extreme but to gain some lean mass is a definite but the amount is up to you how you eat and train
Thanks for the reply rockmfhudd, I am open to doing anything that will make me achieve my goal of gaining a few lean pounds. I am just trying to best understand how to exploit SARMS for my situation. It sounds like I can be in a caloric deficit and still put on say 10 lbs off lean mass with the program.

if your running the right stack then yes, you absolutely can... you also need to accommodate this through your diet... i would start at 250 below maintenance and go from there... the beauty of sarms is the prevention of muscle wastage, even in a deficit...
Ready to purchase a 12 week stack and also a 4 week PCT.

I read in some other threads here that while SARMS can ship to Canada, the process takes quite a bit longer (as in shipped in 3 or 4 separate shipments???) and there also may be associated fees as well? Can anyone confirm this? I feel like there is more room for error if done in 3/4 separate shipments, more room for missing goods or confiscated goods perhaps?

I will buying the following:
Ready to purchase a 12 week stack and also a 4 week PCT.

I read in some other threads here that while SARMS can ship to Canada, the process takes quite a bit longer (as in shipped in 3 or 4 separate shipments???) and there also may be associated fees as well? Can anyone confirm this? I feel like there is more room for error if done in 3/4 separate shipments, more room for missing goods or confiscated goods perhaps?

I will buying the following:

actually you have it backwards... when the shipments are too large, they are often opened etc... generally they would pass but if they don't the entire package is compromised... the safest and most effective way is the method in which it was done... if you have ever noticed, you dont ever see one international complaint about anything seized and there's a reason for that... they know exactly what they are doing and no offense but have A LOT more experience and know how than you do on this...
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