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Post Cycle Acne/ Potential future cycle advice?


New member
I’ve got a question about acne. Particularly post cycle acne. I’ve only got one cycle under my belt. It was Test E 250mg E3D for 12 weeks. All was well with the cycle. I did a 4 week PCT 2 weeks after my last injection of Nolva 40/40/20/20. Got bloods shortly afterwards and all was well.
2-3 weeks following the pct though, I started breaking out in acne on my upper back/shoulders. I have never had an acne problem in my life, and not while on my cycle either.
This acne spread like wildfire to my chest, upper arms, and eventually all the way down my back. It was hell. They were big sore red lumps. When squeezed they’d explode with blood and pus. Rather disgusting. I endured this for 3 months hoping it would work itself out before finally going to the doctor.
I ended up using minocycline for 5 months with very little improvement before beginning accutane, which I am currently on month 2 of, with success it would seem. The doctor plans to have me complete the full 5 month course.
I must admit that I would consider doing another cycle if I felt confident that this would not happen again. What I would like to know is, what could have potentially caused this outbreak? Does this mean I might be more prone to having acne if I choose to do another cycle?
I would not be doing another cycle for some time because I am on accutane, and feel I could trim another 5 pounds from my mid section. As it is here’s a bit about me, my routine, and cycle I had in mind.
I’m 5ft 11.
175 pounds
Thinking 12-13%bf
I flip back and forth with my training with the seasons. I’m Canadian. I like to be outside during our short summers.
Winters I do a 4 day split with 2 cardio days.
Spring/Summer CrossFit, running, mountain biking, circuit training, stair sprints etc more running than weights, but at least 2 good full body workouts or upper/lower workouts with 3-4 runs per week. My runs average 7km with a long 10km+ once a week.
I recently did my first 13km Spartan Race and loved it and plan to do a lot more of them and other mud runs and obstacle course races in the future, so endurance and cardio is important. Therefore huge gains and bulk are not of the utmost importance. A lean sustainable 8 pound would be splendid.
This is what I had in mind:
1-6 T-bol 40mg (is 8 weeks safe?)
1-16 Test E 300mg/wk
1-16 Deca 300mg/wk
Aromasin 12.5 EOD
PCT nolva 40/40/20/20
How about precautions for potential “deca dick”?
Am I missing anything? Am I nuts to consider this given the acne situation?
Thanks in advance for your input.
how old are you?

16 weeks is a pretty long cycle and not necessary here.. i would not exceed 8 weeks of oral steroid use either, unless its proviron
38 years young. I would not go over 8 weeks on the TBol. I’ve read that 6 weeks is plenty but also that 8 weeks is acceptable with Tbol and Var due to mild impact on liver.....
8 weeks is definitely pushing it.. its stupid to be honest... to put that level of strain on yourself internally from the toxicity is beyond stupid honestly
Stupid would be to go out and do such a cycle without any regard or care for one’s well being.While neglecting to put forth any attempt to learn, and or gain insight as to how to safely execute such a cycle from people such as yourself who might know better from experience.
Here I am.
8 weeks is detrimental to the liver. Thanks for the insight. I asked because I’d actually seen a tbol cycle outline on a seemingly reputable website that had it for 8 weeks. I had my doubts which is exactly why I asked. As anyone knows, there are endless contradictions of information on the internet on infinite matters. So it can be difficult to sift through the false information at times if you simply do not know.
ok, please leave the sensitivity at the door... i NEVER said YOU were stupid in any way, shape or form... i was letting you know, that doing it that long, is quite stupid... its not just damaging to your liver... your blood pressure, kidneys, cholesterol, just to name a few... would you rather me say that its "not wise"? People that recommend things of that nature have no care nor concern for health... they have a one track mind of getting as big and as strong as they can, no matter the cost... there is no thought of anything long term... its all in the moment... i dont teach that way... i teach people to achieve a higher quality of life as well as longevity... to get the most out of their cycles in the safest way possible... however i dont hold back when explaining it and don't just tell people what they want to hear... that does nothing good for anyone...
All good, Dylan. My manties are unknotted now.
So what would you recommend for a cycle of the likeness of the one I outlined?
4 weeks or 6 weeks on tbol? What’s safe? I know 4 is fine. I’ve read that Tbol is easier on the liver like anavar than, for example dbol. And 12-14 weeks for the test and deca?

Do you have any insight as to what went “south” after my last cycle, resulting in that wretched acne experience I’m still healing from?

Thanks for your time!
I’ve never seen Dylan give reckless advise. Always gets straight to the point and tells people what they need to know not what they want to hear I would listen to the man if I were you Just some friendly advice
anytime there are hormonal changes, especially during pct, there's a chance of having acne issues... some people are just far more prone to it than others... however, running a very incomplete pct, which you clearly are, will definitely contribute to that as well...

6 weeks of tbol is fine as long as you have the proper protection... too many people only focus on the liver and completely disregard the other areas i have already pointed out... you need an all in one protectant...

12-14 weeks is plenty on test and deca... i would highly recommend using proviron on this cycle as well

this is what it should look like

1-14 test cyp 300 mg week
1-14 deca 300 mg week
1-16 aromasin 12.5 mg eod (adjust as needed)
1-14 proviron 50 mg day
1-6 tbol 60 mg day
1-6 dga organ st

pct 15-20

when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…Organ ST plays a pivotal role in a post-cycle therapy (PCT). There’s a strong misconception that the role of a PCT is simply to restart the natural testosterone production that was shut down from the steroid cycle. While this is true, there are a lot of the other issues that the body has to deal with during a PCT: hormone fluctuations, high liver enzymes, increased blood pressure, pressure on the kidneys and endocrine system, high stress and cortisol levels, the list goes on...Organ ST helps address all of these problems and helps you recover in a timely manner. The quicker you recover, the less likelihood of any long-term problems occurring, and the more likely that all gains you make during your cycle are retained.

clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod (adjust accordingly)
mk-2866 25 mg day (ONLY 4 WEEKS)
gw-501516 20 mg day
I really appreciate all this information, Dylan. Thank you. I’ll do that cycle as you guide-lined for me.
I’ll be on accutane for another 3 months so I’ve ample time to gather up all the required products and to lean up a bit more. Easier on the wallet to plan well in advance.
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